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path: root/t
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authorEric Wong (Contractor, The Linux Foundation) <e@80x24.org>2018-04-05 10:03:20 +0000
committerEric Wong (Contractor, The Linux Foundation) <e@80x24.org>2018-04-05 10:27:13 +0000
commit79c5fdeacf75a2daeb57a7a5f00a170044e28634 (patch)
treef1b36e1f1136da51cedf999a88b3469d2d3f4dbc /t
parent5038857ec7663674c782affa11d5f33620107555 (diff)
The Xapian partitions will trigger the removal anyways.
Test this and fix some description/spelling errors
while we're at it.
Diffstat (limited to 't')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/t/v2writable.t b/t/v2writable.t
index e49c06b9..ab85e9af 100644
--- a/t/v2writable.t
+++ b/t/v2writable.t
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ EOF
         my $tip = shift @after;
         like($tip, qr/\A[a-f0-9]+ test removal\n\z/s,
-                'commit message propaged to git');
+                'commit message propagated to git');
         is_deeply(\@after, \@before, 'only one commit written to git');
         is($ibx->mm->num_for($smsg->mid), undef, 'no longer in Msgmap by mid');
         like($smsg->num, qr/\A\d+\z/, 'numeric number in return message');
@@ -226,8 +226,10 @@ EOF
         my $srch = $ibx->search->reopen;
         my @found = ();
         $srch->each_smsg_by_mid($smsg->mid, sub { push @found, @_; 1 });
-        is(scalar(@found), 0, 'no longer found in Xapian skeleton');
+        is(scalar(@found), 0, 'no longer found in Xapian');
         my @log1 = qw(log -1 --pretty=raw --raw -r --no-abbrev --no-renames);
+        is($srch->{over_ro}->get_art($smsg->num), undef,
+                'removal propagated to Over DB');
         my $after = $git0->qx(@log1);
         if ($after =~ m!( [a-f0-9]+ )A\td$!m) {