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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2022-07-20 09:24:09 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2022-07-20 16:43:11 +0000
commit68046e0fff12c35d793a7ae9f164ac415c84cc21 (patch)
tree2f1a05b410f2cd2bb40957a05ac693d833da6ad1 /t
parent08ac230c500560d583362c75583a8acb03c14bf0 (diff)
Old account expiry has not been implemented, but it seems to
work well with both mpop(1) and getmail(1).  The strictness of
mpop was particularly helpful in ironing out bugs in our
implementation of (dreaded) message sequence numbers.

"EXPIRE 0" (RFC 2449) can theoretically save numerous "DELE"
commands, but that's untested by real-world clients.  mpop
supports PIPELINING which is effective in hiding latency,
and the core networking functionality is already well-tested
from our NNTP and IMAP implementations.

Configuration requires "publicinbox.pop3state" to point to
a directory writable by the otherwise read-only daemon.
See public-inbox-pop3d(1) manpage for more usage details.
Diffstat (limited to 't')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/pop3d.t b/t/pop3d.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5ccb0d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/pop3d.t
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+#!perl -w
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+use v5.12;
+use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
+# Net::POP3 is part of the standard library, but distros may split it off...
+require_mods(qw(DBD::SQLite Net::POP3 IO::Socket::SSL File::FcntlLock));
+require_git('2.6'); # for v2
+use_ok 'IO::Socket::SSL';
+use_ok 'PublicInbox::TLS';
+my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir();
+mkdir("$tmpdir/p3state") or xbail "mkdir: $!";
+my $err = "$tmpdir/stderr.log";
+my $out = "$tmpdir/stdout.log";
+my $olderr = "$tmpdir/plain.err";
+my $group = 'test-pop3';
+my $addr = $group . '@example.com';
+my $stls = tcp_server();
+my $plain = tcp_server();
+my $pop3s = tcp_server();
+my $patch = eml_load('t/data/0001.patch');
+my $ibx = create_inbox 'pop3d', version => 2, -primary_address => $addr,
+                        indexlevel => 'basic', sub {
+        my ($im, $ibx) = @_;
+        $im->add(eml_load('t/plack-qp.eml')) or BAIL_OUT '->add';
+        $im->add($patch) or BAIL_OUT '->add';
+my $pi_config = "$tmpdir/pi_config";
+open my $fh, '>', $pi_config or BAIL_OUT "open: $!";
+print $fh <<EOF or BAIL_OUT "print: $!";
+        pop3state = $tmpdir/p3state
+[publicinbox "pop3"]
+        inboxdir = $ibx->{inboxdir}
+        address = $addr
+        indexlevel = basic
+        newsgroup = $group
+close $fh or BAIL_OUT "close: $!\n";
+my $pop3s_addr = tcp_host_port($pop3s);
+my $stls_addr = tcp_host_port($stls);
+my $plain_addr = tcp_host_port($plain);
+my $env = { PI_CONFIG => $pi_config };
+my $cert = 'certs/server-cert.pem';
+my $key = 'certs/server-key.pem';
+unless (-r $key && -r $cert) {
+        plan skip_all =>
+                "certs/ missing for $0, run $^X ./create-certs.perl in certs/";
+my $old = start_script(['-pop3d', '-W0',
+        "--stdout=$tmpdir/plain.out", "--stderr=$olderr" ],
+        $env, { 3 => $plain });
+my @old_args = ($plain->sockhost, Port => $plain->sockport);
+my $oldc = Net::POP3->new(@old_args);
+my $locked_mb = ('e'x32)."\@$group";
+ok($oldc->apop("$locked_mb.0", 'anonymous'), 'APOP to old');
+{ # locking within the same process
+        my $x = Net::POP3->new(@old_args);
+        ok(!$x->apop("$locked_mb.0", 'anonymous'), 'APOP lock failure');
+        like($x->message, qr/unable to lock/, 'diagnostic message');
+        $x = Net::POP3->new(@old_args);
+        ok($x->apop($locked_mb, 'anonymous'), 'APOP lock acquire');
+        my $y = Net::POP3->new(@old_args);
+        ok(!$y->apop($locked_mb, 'anonymous'), 'APOP lock fails once');
+        undef $x;
+        $y = Net::POP3->new(@old_args);
+        ok($y->apop($locked_mb, 'anonymous'), 'APOP lock works after release');
+for my $args (
+        [ "--cert=$cert", "--key=$key",
+                "-lpop3s://$pop3s_addr",
+                "-lpop3://$stls_addr" ],
+) {
+        for ($out, $err) { open my $fh, '>', $_ or BAIL_OUT "truncate: $!" }
+        my $cmd = [ '-netd', '-W0', @$args, "--stdout=$out", "--stderr=$err" ];
+        my $td = start_script($cmd, $env, { 3 => $stls, 4 => $pop3s });
+        my %o = (
+                SSL_hostname => 'server.local',
+                SSL_verifycn_name => 'server.local',
+                SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_PEER(),
+                SSL_ca_file => 'certs/test-ca.pem',
+        );
+        # start negotiating a slow TLS connection
+        my $slow = tcp_connect($pop3s, Blocking => 0);
+        $slow = IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL($slow, SSL_startHandshake => 0, %o);
+        my $slow_done = $slow->connect_SSL;
+        my @poll;
+        if ($slow_done) {
+                diag('W: connect_SSL early OK, slow client test invalid');
+                use PublicInbox::Syscall qw(EPOLLIN EPOLLOUT);
+                @poll = (fileno($slow), EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT);
+        } else {
+                @poll = (fileno($slow), PublicInbox::TLS::epollbit());
+        }
+        my @p3s_args = ($pop3s->sockhost,
+                        Port => $pop3s->sockport, SSL => 1, %o);
+        my $p3s = Net::POP3->new(@p3s_args);
+        ok($p3s->quit, 'QUIT works w/POP3S');
+        {
+                $p3s = Net::POP3->new(@p3s_args);
+                ok(!$p3s->apop("$locked_mb.0", 'anonymous'),
+                        'APOP lock failure w/ another daemon');
+                like($p3s->message, qr/unable to lock/, 'diagnostic message');
+        }
+        # slow TLS connection did not block the other fast clients while
+        # connecting, finish it off:
+        until ($slow_done) {
+                IO::Poll::_poll(-1, @poll);
+                $slow_done = $slow->connect_SSL and last;
+                @poll = (fileno($slow), PublicInbox::TLS::epollbit());
+        }
+        $slow->blocking(1);
+        ok(sysread($slow, my $greet, 4096) > 0, 'slow got a greeting');
+        my @np3_args = ($stls->sockhost, Port => $stls->sockport);
+        my $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args);
+        ok($np3->quit, 'plain QUIT works');
+        $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args, %o);
+        ok($np3->starttls, 'STLS works');
+        ok($np3->quit, 'QUIT works after STLS');
+        for my $mailbox (('x'x32)."\@$group", $group, ('a'x32)."\@z.$group") {
+                $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args);
+                ok(!$np3->user($mailbox), "USER $mailbox reject");
+                ok($np3->quit, 'QUIT after USER fail');
+                $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args);
+                ok(!$np3->apop($mailbox, 'anonymous'), "APOP $mailbox reject");
+                ok($np3->quit, "QUIT after APOP fail $mailbox");
+        }
+        for my $mailbox ($group, "$group.0") {
+                my $u = ('f'x32)."\@$mailbox";
+                $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args);
+                ok($np3->user($u), "UUID\@$mailbox accept");
+                ok($np3->pass('anonymous'), 'pass works');
+                $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args);
+                ok($np3->user($u), "UUID\@$mailbox accept");
+                ok($np3->pass('anonymous'), 'pass works');
+                my $list = $np3->list;
+                my $uidl = $np3->uidl;
+                is_deeply([sort keys %$list], [sort keys %$uidl],
+                        'LIST and UIDL keys match');
+                ok($_ > 0, 'bytes in LIST result') for values %$list;
+                like($_, qr/\A[a-z0-9]{40,}\z/,
+                        'blob IDs in UIDL result') for values %$uidl;
+                $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args);
+                ok(!$np3->apop($u, 'anonumuss'), 'APOP wrong pass reject');
+                $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args);
+                ok($np3->apop($u, 'anonymous'), "APOP UUID\@$mailbox");
+                my @res = $np3->popstat;
+                is($res[0], 2, 'STAT knows about 2 messages');
+                my $msg = $np3->get(2);
+                $msg = join('', @$msg);
+                $msg =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
+                is_deeply(PublicInbox::Eml->new($msg), $patch,
+                        't/data/0001.patch round-tripped');
+                ok(!$np3->get(22), 'missing message');
+                $msg = $np3->top(2, 0);
+                $msg = join('', @$msg);
+                $msg =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
+                is($msg, $patch->header_obj->as_string . "\n",
+                        'TOP numlines=0');
+                ok(!$np3->top(2, -1), 'negative TOP numlines');
+                $msg = $np3->top(2, 1);
+                $msg = join('', @$msg);
+                $msg =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
+                is($msg, $patch->header_obj->as_string . <<EOF,
+Filenames within a project tend to be reasonably stable within a
+                        'TOP numlines=1');
+                $msg = $np3->top(2, 10000);
+                $msg = join('', @$msg);
+                $msg =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
+                is_deeply(PublicInbox::Eml->new($msg), $patch,
+                        'TOP numlines=10000 (excess)');
+                $np3 = Net::POP3->new(@np3_args, %o);
+                ok($np3->starttls, 'STLS works before APOP');
+                ok($np3->apop($u, 'anonymous'), "APOP UUID\@$mailbox w/ STLS");
+                # undocumented:
+                ok($np3->_NOOP, 'NOOP works') if $np3->can('_NOOP');
+        }
+        SKIP: {
+                skip 'TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT is Linux-only', 2 if $^O ne 'linux';
+                my $var = eval { Socket::TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT() } // 9;
+                my $x = getsockopt($pop3s, IPPROTO_TCP, $var) //
+                        xbail "IPPROTO_TCP: $!";
+                ok(unpack('i', $x) > 0, 'TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT set on POP3S');
+                $x = getsockopt($stls, IPPROTO_TCP, $var) //
+                        xbail "IPPROTO_TCP: $!";
+                is(unpack('i', $x), 0, 'TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT is 0 on plain POP3');
+        };
+        SKIP: {
+                skip 'SO_ACCEPTFILTER is FreeBSD-only', 2 if $^O ne 'freebsd';
+                system('kldstat -m accf_data >/dev/null') and
+                        skip 'accf_data not loaded? kldload accf_data', 2;
+                require PublicInbox::Daemon;
+                my $x = getsockopt($pop3s, SOL_SOCKET,
+                                $PublicInbox::Daemon::SO_ACCEPTFILTER);
+                like($x, qr/\Adataready\0+\z/, 'got dataready accf for pop3s');
+                $x = getsockopt($stls, IPPROTO_TCP,
+                                $PublicInbox::Daemon::SO_ACCEPTFILTER);
+                is($x, undef, 'no BSD accept filter for plain IMAP');
+        };
+        $td->kill;
+        $td->join;
+        is($?, 0, 'no error in exited -netd');
+        open my $fh, '<', $err or BAIL_OUT "open $err failed: $!";
+        my $eout = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+        unlike($eout, qr/wide/i, 'no Wide character warnings in -netd');
+        my $capa = $oldc->capa;
+        ok(defined($capa->{PIPELINING}), 'pipelining supported by CAPA');
+        is($capa->{EXPIRE}, 0, 'EXPIRE 0 set');
+        # clients which see "EXPIRE 0" can elide DELE requests
+        my $list = $oldc->list;
+        ok($oldc->get($_), "RETR $_") for keys %$list;
+        ok($oldc->quit, 'QUIT after RETR');
+        $oldc = Net::POP3->new(@old_args);
+        ok($oldc->apop("$locked_mb.0", 'anonymous'), 'APOP reconnect');
+        my $cont = $oldc->list;
+        is_deeply($cont, {}, 'no messages after implicit DELE from EXPIRE 0');
+        ok($oldc->quit, 'QUIT on noop');
+        # test w/o checking CAPA to trigger EXPIRE 0
+        $oldc = Net::POP3->new(@old_args);
+        ok($oldc->apop($locked_mb, 'anonymous'), 'APOP on latest slice');
+        my $l2 = $oldc->list;
+        is_deeply($l2, $list, 'different mailbox, different deletes');
+        ok($oldc->get($_), "RETR $_") for keys %$list;
+        ok($oldc->quit, 'QUIT w/o EXPIRE nor DELE');
+        $oldc = Net::POP3->new(@old_args);
+        ok($oldc->apop($locked_mb, 'anonymous'), 'APOP again on latest');
+        $l2 = $oldc->list;
+        is_deeply($l2, $list, 'no DELE nor EXPIRE preserves messages');
+        ok($oldc->delete(2), 'explicit DELE on latest');
+        ok($oldc->quit, 'QUIT w/ highest DELE');
+        # this is non-standard behavior, but necessary if we expect hundreds
+        # of thousands of users on cheap HW
+        $oldc = Net::POP3->new(@old_args);
+        ok($oldc->apop($locked_mb, 'anonymous'), 'APOP yet again on latest');
+        is_deeply($oldc->list, {}, 'highest DELE deletes older messages, too');
+# TODO: more tests, but mpop was really helpful in helping me
+# figure out bugs with larger newsgroups (>50K messages) which
+# probably isn't suited for this test suite.
+is($?, 0, 'no error in exited -pop3d');
+open $fh, '<', $olderr or BAIL_OUT "open $olderr failed: $!";
+my $eout = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+unlike($eout, qr/wide/i, 'no Wide character warnings in -pop3d');