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path: root/t
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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2020-09-01 01:15:07 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2020-09-02 08:54:02 +0000
commit4c2bdcca098792bf1c7fb19d7779d05c436a2f78 (patch)
tree83c1a5ee5539e4d68921f024e068797f8abaa158 /t
parentff1ceab79e0a9a4ad21e03d8d2eae15dee8c35c7 (diff)
Following "git init" as an example, we'll create every parent
path up to the one specified, instead of attempting to continue
on when Cwd::abs_path returns `undef'.
Diffstat (limited to 't')
2 files changed, 22 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/t/convert-compact.t b/t/convert-compact.t
index 26a8fca0..575262e8 100644
--- a/t/convert-compact.t
+++ b/t/convert-compact.t
@@ -78,33 +78,33 @@ ok(defined($hwm) && $hwm > 0, "highwater mark set #$hwm");
 $cmd = [ '-convert', '--no-index', $ibx->{inboxdir}, "$tmpdir/no-index" ];
 ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $rdr), 'convert --no-index works');
-$cmd = [ '-convert', $ibx->{inboxdir}, "$tmpdir/v2" ];
+$cmd = [ '-convert', $ibx->{inboxdir}, "$tmpdir/x/v2" ];
 ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $rdr), 'convert works');
-@xdir = glob("$tmpdir/v2/xap*/*");
+@xdir = glob("$tmpdir/x/v2/xap*/*");
 foreach (@xdir) {
         my @st = stat($_);
         is($st[2] & 07777, -f _ ? 0644 : 0755,
                 'sharedRepository respected after convert');
-$cmd = [ '-compact', "$tmpdir/v2" ];
+$cmd = [ '-compact', "$tmpdir/x/v2" ];
 my $env = { NPROC => 2 };
 ok(run_script($cmd, $env, $rdr), 'v2 compact works');
-$ibx->{inboxdir} = "$tmpdir/v2";
+$ibx->{inboxdir} = "$tmpdir/x/v2";
 $ibx->{version} = 2;
 is($ibx->mm->num_highwater, $hwm, 'highwater mark unchanged in v2 inbox');
-@xdir = glob("$tmpdir/v2/xap*/*");
+@xdir = glob("$tmpdir/x/v2/xap*/*");
 foreach (@xdir) {
         my @st = stat($_);
         is($st[2] & 07777, -f _ ? 0644 : 0755,
                 'sharedRepository respected after v2 compact');
-is(((stat("$tmpdir/v2/msgmap.sqlite3"))[2]) & 07777, 0644,
+is(((stat("$tmpdir/x/v2/msgmap.sqlite3"))[2]) & 07777, 0644,
         'sharedRepository respected for v2 msgmap');
-@xdir = (glob("$tmpdir/v2/git/*.git/objects/*/*"),
-         glob("$tmpdir/v2/git/*.git/objects/pack/*"));
+@xdir = (glob("$tmpdir/x/v2/git/*.git/objects/*/*"),
+         glob("$tmpdir/x/v2/git/*.git/objects/pack/*"));
 foreach (@xdir) {
         my @st = stat($_);
         is($st[2] & 07777, -f _ ? 0444 : 0755,
@@ -116,12 +116,12 @@ is(scalar @$msgs, 1, 'only one message in history');
 $ibx = undef;
 $err = '';
-$cmd = [ qw(-index -j0 --reindex -c), "$tmpdir/v2" ];
+$cmd = [ qw(-index -j0 --reindex -c), "$tmpdir/x/v2" ];
 ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $rdr), '--reindex -c');
 like($err, qr/xapian-compact/, 'xapian-compact ran (-c)');
 $rdr->{2} = \(my $err2 = '');
-$cmd = [ qw(-index -j0 --reindex -cc), "$tmpdir/v2" ];
+$cmd = [ qw(-index -j0 --reindex -cc), "$tmpdir/x/v2" ];
 ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $rdr), '--reindex -c -c');
 like($err2, qr/xapian-compact/, 'xapian-compact ran (-c -c)');
 ok(($err2 =~ tr/\n/\n/) > ($err =~ tr/\n/\n/), '-compacted twice');
diff --git a/t/init.t b/t/init.t
index a5a9debc..dba59231 100644
--- a/t/init.t
+++ b/t/init.t
@@ -59,6 +59,18 @@ sub quiet_fail {
         like($err, qr/`\\n' not allowed in `/s, 'reported \\n');
         is_deeply([glob("$tmpdir/.public-inbox/pi-init-*")], [],
                 'no junk files left behind');
+        # "git init" does this, too
+        $cmd = [ '-init', 'deep-non-existent', "$tmpdir/a/b/c/d",
+                   qw(http://example.com/abcd abcd@example.com) ];
+        $err = '';
+        ok(run_script($cmd, $env, $rdr), 'initializes non-existent hierarchy');
+        ok(-d "$tmpdir/a/b/c/d", 'directory created');
+        open my $fh, '>', "$tmpdir/d" or BAIL_OUT "open: $!";
+        close $fh;
+        $cmd = [ '-init', 'd-f-conflict', "$tmpdir/d/f/conflict",
+                   qw(http://example.com/conflict onflict@example.com) ];
+        ok(!run_script($cmd, $env, $rdr), 'fails on D/F conflict');
 SKIP: {