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path: root/t/search.t
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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2020-09-02 11:04:16 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2020-09-03 20:11:03 +0000
commit80b887f29b2ec71d025b4c266a1c26314758994c (patch)
tree31f9937daf20c21b33c0407763bf2d6bd06d2f66 /t/search.t
parent851aa7183cf2b152d7ff187729bc896597d22fad (diff)
search: replace ->query with ->mset
Nearly all of the search uses in the production code rely on
a Xapian mset iterator being returned (instead of an array
of $smsg objects).  So default to returning the mset and move
the burden of smsg array conversion into the test cases.
Diffstat (limited to 't/search.t')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/t/search.t b/t/search.t
index 3124baeb..8df8a202 100644
--- a/t/search.t
+++ b/t/search.t
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
 $rw = undef;
-my $ro = $ibx->search;
 my $rw_commit = sub {
         $rw->commit_txn_lazy if $rw;
         $rw = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($ibx, 1);
         $rw->{qp_flags} = 0; # quiet a warning
+        $ibx->search->reopen;
 sub oct_is ($$$) {
@@ -103,29 +103,34 @@ sub filter_mids {
         sort(map { $_->{mid} } @$msgs);
+my $query = sub {
+        my ($query_string, $opt) = @_;
+        my $mset = $ibx->search->mset($query_string, $opt);
+        $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset);
-        $ro->reopen;
-        my $found = $ro->query('m:root@s');
+        my $found = $query->('m:root@s');
         is(scalar(@$found), 1, "message found");
         is($found->[0]->{mid}, 'root@s', 'mid set correctly') if @$found;
         my ($res, @res);
         my @exp = sort qw(root@s last@s);
-        $res = $ro->query('s:(Hello world)');
+        $res = $query->('s:(Hello world)');
         @res = filter_mids($res);
         is_deeply(\@res, \@exp, 'got expected results for s:() match');
-        $res = $ro->query('s:"Hello world"');
+        $res = $query->('s:"Hello world"');
         @res = filter_mids($res);
         is_deeply(\@res, \@exp, 'got expected results for s:"" match');
-        $res = $ro->query('s:"Hello world"', {limit => 1});
+        $res = $query->('s:"Hello world"', {limit => 1});
         is(scalar @$res, 1, "limit works");
         my $first = $res->[0];
-        $res = $ro->query('s:"Hello world"', {offset => 1});
+        $res = $query->('s:"Hello world"', {offset => 1});
         is(scalar @$res, 1, "offset works");
         my $second = $res->[0];
@@ -173,31 +178,29 @@ EOF
 # search thread on ghost
-        $ro->reopen;
         # subject
-        my $res = $ro->query('ghost');
+        my $res = $query->('ghost');
         my @exp = sort qw(ghost-message@s ghost-reply@s);
         my @res = filter_mids($res);
         is_deeply(\@res, \@exp, 'got expected results for Subject match');
         # body
-        $res = $ro->query('goodbye');
+        $res = $query->('goodbye');
         is(scalar(@$res), 1, "goodbye message found");
         is($res->[0]->{mid}, 'last@s', 'got goodbye message body') if @$res;
         # datestamp
-        $res = $ro->query('dt:20101002000001..20101002000001');
+        $res = $query->('dt:20101002000001..20101002000001');
         @res = filter_mids($res);
         is_deeply(\@res, ['ghost-message@s'], 'exact Date: match works');
-        $res = $ro->query('dt:20101002000002..20101002000002');
+        $res = $query->('dt:20101002000002..20101002000002');
         is_deeply($res, [], 'exact Date: match down to the second');
 # long message-id
 $ibx->with_umask(sub {
-        $ro->reopen;
         my $long_mid = 'last' . ('x' x 60). '@s';
         my $long = PublicInbox::Eml->new(<<EOF);
 Date: Sat, 02 Oct 2010 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -214,7 +217,6 @@ EOF
         is($long_id, int($long_id), "long_id is an integer: $long_id");
-        $ro->reopen;
         my $res;
         my @res;
@@ -232,7 +234,6 @@ EOF
         ok($rw->add_message($long_reply) > $long_id, "inserted long reply");
-        $ro->reopen;
         my $t = $ibx->over->get_thread('root@s');
         is(scalar(@$t), 4, "got all 4 messages in thread");
         my @exp = sort($long_reply_mid, 'root@s', 'last@s', $long_mid);
@@ -264,13 +265,13 @@ theatre
-        my $res = $ro->reopen->query("theatre");
+        my $res = $query->("theatre");
         is(scalar(@$res), 2, "got both matches");
         if (@$res == 2) {
                 is($res->[0]->{mid}, 'nquote@a', 'non-quoted scores higher');
                 is($res->[1]->{mid}, 'quote@a', 'quoted result still returned');
-        $res = $ro->query("illusions");
+        $res = $query->("illusions");
         is(scalar(@$res), 1, "got a match for quoted text");
         is($res->[0]->{mid}, 'quote@a',
                 "quoted result returned if nothing else") if scalar(@$res);
@@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ LOOP!
         ok($doc_id > 0, "doc_id defined with circular reference");
-        my $smsg = $ro->reopen->query('m:circle@a', {limit=>1})->[0];
+        my $smsg = $query->('m:circle@a', {limit=>1})->[0];
         is(defined($smsg), 1, 'found m:circl@a');
         if (defined $smsg) {
                 is($smsg->{references}, '', "no references created");
@@ -301,11 +302,11 @@ EOF
-        my $msgs = $ro->query('d:19931002..20101002');
+        my $msgs = $query->('d:19931002..20101002');
         ok(scalar(@$msgs) > 0, 'got results within range');
-        $msgs = $ro->query('d:20101003..');
+        $msgs = $query->('d:20101003..');
         is(scalar(@$msgs), 0, 'nothing after 20101003');
-        $msgs = $ro->query('d:..19931001');
+        $msgs = $query->('d:..19931001');
         is(scalar(@$msgs), 0, 'nothing before 19931001');
@@ -314,8 +315,7 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
         my $doc_id = $rw->add_message($mime);
         ok($doc_id > 0, 'message indexed doc_id with UTF-8');
-        my $msg = $ro->reopen->
-                query('m:testmessage@example.com', {limit => 1})->[0];
+        my $msg = $query->('m:testmessage@example.com', {limit => 1})->[0];
         is(defined($msg), 1, 'found testmessage@example.com');
         if (defined $msg) {
                 is($mime->header('Subject'), $msg->{subject},
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
 # names and addresses
-        my $mset = $ro->query('t:list@example.com', {mset => 1});
+        my $mset = $ibx->search->mset('t:list@example.com');
         is($mset->size, 9, 'searched To: successfully');
         foreach my $m ($mset->items) {
                 my $smsg = $ibx->over->get_art($m->get_docid);
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
                 is($uid, $m->get_docid, 'UID column matches docid');
-        $mset = $ro->query('tc:list@example.com', {mset => 1});
+        $mset = $ibx->search->mset('tc:list@example.com');
         is($mset->size, 9, 'searched To+Cc: successfully');
         foreach my $m ($mset->items) {
                 my $smsg = $ibx->over->get_art($m->get_docid);
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
         foreach my $pfx ('tcf:', 'c:') {
-                my $mset = $ro->query($pfx . 'foo@example.com', { mset => 1 });
+                my $mset = $ibx->search->mset($pfx . 'foo@example.com');
                 is($mset->items, 1, "searched $pfx successfully for Cc:");
                 foreach my $m ($mset->items) {
                         my $smsg = $ibx->over->get_art($m->get_docid);
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
         foreach my $pfx ('', 'tcf:', 'f:') {
-                my $res = $ro->query($pfx . 'Laggy');
+                my $res = $query->($pfx . 'Laggy');
                 is(scalar(@$res), 1,
                         "searched $pfx successfully for From:");
                 foreach my $smsg (@$res) {
@@ -374,25 +374,24 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
-        $ro->reopen;
-        my $res = $ro->query('b:hello');
+        my $res = $query->('b:hello');
         is(scalar(@$res), 0, 'no match on body search only');
-        $res = $ro->query('bs:smith');
+        $res = $query->('bs:smith');
         is(scalar(@$res), 0,
                 'no match on body+subject search for From');
-        $res = $ro->query('q:theatre');
+        $res = $query->('q:theatre');
         is(scalar(@$res), 1, 'only one quoted body');
         like($res->[0]->{from_name}, qr/\AQuoter/,
                 'got quoted body') if (scalar(@$res));
-        $res = $ro->query('nq:theatre');
+        $res = $query->('nq:theatre');
         is(scalar @$res, 1, 'only one non-quoted body');
         like($res->[0]->{from_name}, qr/\ANon-Quoter/,
                 'got non-quoted body') if (scalar(@$res));
         foreach my $pfx (qw(b: bs:)) {
-                $res = $ro->query($pfx . 'theatre');
+                $res = $query->($pfx . 'theatre');
                 is(scalar @$res, 2, "searched both bodies for $pfx");
                 like($res->[0]->{from_name}, qr/\ANon-Quoter/,
                         "non-quoter first for $pfx") if scalar(@$res);
@@ -405,14 +404,13 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
         my $smsg = bless { blob => $oid }, 'PublicInbox::Smsg';
         ok($rw->add_message($amsg, $smsg), 'added attachment');
-        $ro->reopen;
-        my $n = $ro->query('n:attached_fart.txt');
+        my $n = $query->('n:attached_fart.txt');
         is(scalar @$n, 1, 'got result for n:');
-        my $res = $ro->query('part_deux.txt');
+        my $res = $query->('part_deux.txt');
         is(scalar @$res, 1, 'got result without n:');
         is($n->[0]->{mid}, $res->[0]->{mid},
                 'same result with and without') if scalar(@$res);
-        my $txt = $ro->query('"inside another"');
+        my $txt = $query->('"inside another"');
         is(scalar @$txt, 1, 'found inside another');
         is($txt->[0]->{mid}, $res->[0]->{mid},
                 'search inside text attachments works') if scalar(@$txt);
@@ -459,8 +457,7 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
         my $digits = '10010260936330';
         my $ua = 'Pine.LNX.4.10';
         my $mid = "$ua.$digits.2460-100000\@penguin.transmeta.com";
-        is($ro->reopen->query("m:$digits", { mset => 1})->size, 0,
-                'no results yet');
+        is($ibx->search->mset("m:$digits")->size, 0, 'no results yet');
         my $pine = PublicInbox::Eml->new(<<EOF);
 Subject: blah
 Message-ID: <$mid>
@@ -470,44 +467,45 @@ To: list\@example.com
         my $x = $rw->add_message($pine);
-        is($ro->reopen->query("m:$digits", { mset => 1})->size, 1,
+        $ibx->search->reopen;
+        is($ibx->search->mset("m:$digits")->size, 1,
                 'searching only digit yielded result');
         my $wild = $digits;
         for my $i (1..6) {
-                is($ro->query("m:$wild*", { mset => 1})->size, 1,
+                is($ibx->search->mset("m:$wild*")->size, 1,
                         "searching chopped($i) digit yielded result $wild ");
-        is($ro->query("m:Pine m:LNX m:10010260936330", {mset=>1})->size, 1);
+        is($ibx->search->mset('m:Pine m:LNX m:10010260936330')->size, 1);
 { # List-Id searching
-        my $found = $ro->query('lid:i.m.just.bored');
+        my $found = $query->('lid:i.m.just.bored');
         is_deeply([ filter_mids($found) ], [ 'root@s' ],
                 'got expected mid on exact lid: search');
-        $found = $ro->query('lid:just.bored');
+        $found = $query->('lid:just.bored');
         is_deeply($found, [], 'got nothing on lid: search');
-        $found = $ro->query('lid:*.just.bored');
+        $found = $query->('lid:*.just.bored');
         is_deeply($found, [], 'got nothing on lid: search');
-        $found = $ro->query('l:i.m.just.bored');
+        $found = $query->('l:i.m.just.bored');
         is_deeply([ filter_mids($found) ], [ 'root@s' ],
                 'probabilistic search works on full List-Id contents');
-        $found = $ro->query('l:just.bored');
+        $found = $query->('l:just.bored');
         is_deeply([ filter_mids($found) ], [ 'root@s' ],
                 'probabilistic search works on partial List-Id contents');
-        $found = $ro->query('lid:mad');
+        $found = $query->('lid:mad');
         is_deeply($found, [], 'no match on phrase with lid:');
-        $found = $ro->query('lid:bored');
+        $found = $query->('lid:bored');
         is_deeply($found, [], 'no match on partial List-Id with lid:');
-        $found = $ro->query('l:nothing');
+        $found = $query->('l:nothing');
         is_deeply($found, [], 'matched on phrase with l:');
@@ -516,22 +514,22 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
         my $doc_id = $rw->add_message(eml_load('t/data/message_embed.eml'));
         ok($doc_id > 0, 'messages within messages');
-        $ro->reopen;
-        my $n_test_eml = $ro->query('n:test.eml');
+        $ibx->search->reopen;
+        my $n_test_eml = $query->('n:test.eml');
         is(scalar(@$n_test_eml), 1, 'got a result');
-        my $n_embed2x_eml = $ro->query('n:embed2x.eml');
+        my $n_embed2x_eml = $query->('n:embed2x.eml');
         is_deeply($n_test_eml, $n_embed2x_eml, '.eml filenames searchable');
         for my $m (qw(20200418222508.GA13918@dcvr 20200418222020.GA2745@dcvr
                         20200418214114.7575-1-e@yhbt.net)) {
-                is($ro->query("m:$m")->[0]->{mid},
+                is($query->("m:$m")->[0]->{mid},
                         '20200418222508.GA13918@dcvr', 'probabilistic m:'.$m);
-                is($ro->query("mid:$m")->[0]->{mid},
+                is($query->("mid:$m")->[0]->{mid},
                         '20200418222508.GA13918@dcvr', 'boolean mid:'.$m);
-        is($ro->query('dfpost:4dc62c50')->[0]->{mid},
+        is($query->('dfpost:4dc62c50')->[0]->{mid},
                 'diff search reaches inside message/rfc822');
-        is($ro->query('s:"mail header experiments"')->[0]->{mid},
+        is($query->('s:"mail header experiments"')->[0]->{mid},
                 'Subject search reaches inside message/rfc822');