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path: root/t/httpd-corner.t
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authorEric Wong <e@yhbt.net>2020-04-19 23:19:37 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@yhbt.net>2020-04-20 20:18:21 +0000
commit6e07def560b211d9a1a3221862e72b7aeb4a31b3 (patch)
treeb6e3b54f928145b3f1c05bd5b0444f70f7eabd4f /t/httpd-corner.t
parent47acfe0e9d09e907393465e155e114e8fdc5f5a1 (diff)
Barely noticeable on Linux, but this gives a 1-2% speedup
on a FreeBSD 11.3 VM and lets us use built-in redirects
rather than relying on /bin/sh.
Diffstat (limited to 't/httpd-corner.t')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/t/httpd-corner.t b/t/httpd-corner.t
index f25a9a9c..7a6bcc66 100644
--- a/t/httpd-corner.t
+++ b/t/httpd-corner.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Test::More;
 use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
-use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(which spawn);
+use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(which spawn popen_rd);
 use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
 require_mods(qw(Plack::Util Plack::Builder HTTP::Date HTTP::Status));
 use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex);
@@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ my $psgi = "./t/httpd-corner.psgi";
 my $sock = tcp_server() or die;
 my @zmods = qw(PublicInbox::GzipFilter IO::Uncompress::Gunzip);
-# make sure stdin is not a pipe for lsof test to check for leaking pipes
-open(STDIN, '<', '/dev/null') or die 'no /dev/null: $!';
 # Make sure we don't clobber socket options set by systemd or similar
 # using socket activation:
 my ($defer_accept_val, $accf_arg, $TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT);
@@ -308,12 +305,12 @@ my $check_self = sub {
 SKIP: {
-        which('curl') or skip('curl(1) missing', 4);
+        my $curl = which('curl') or skip('curl(1) missing', 4);
         my $base = 'http://' . $sock->sockhost . ':' . $sock->sockport;
         my $url = "$base/sha1";
         my ($r, $w);
         pipe($r, $w) or die "pipe: $!";
-        my $cmd = [qw(curl --tcp-nodelay --no-buffer -T- -HExpect: -sS), $url];
+        my $cmd = [$curl, qw(--tcp-nodelay -T- -HExpect: -sSN), $url];
         open my $cout, '+>', undef or die;
         open my $cerr, '>', undef or die;
         my $rdr = { 0 => $r, 1 => $cout, 2 => $cerr };
@@ -330,7 +327,7 @@ SKIP: {
         seek($cout, 0, SEEK_SET);
         is(<$cout>, sha1_hex($str), 'read expected body');
-        open my $fh, '-|', qw(curl -sS), "$base/async-big" or die $!;
+        my $fh = popen_rd([$curl, '-sS', "$base/async-big"]);
         my $n = 0;
         my $non_zero = 0;
         while (1) {
@@ -338,15 +335,14 @@ SKIP: {
                 $n += $r;
                 $buf =~ /\A\0+\z/ or $non_zero++;
-        close $fh or die "curl errored out \$?=$?";
+        close $fh or die "close curl pipe: $!";
+        is($?, 0, 'curl succesful');
         is($n, 30 * 1024 * 1024, 'got expected output from curl');
         is($non_zero, 0, 'read all zeros');
-        require_mods(@zmods, 1);
-        open $fh, '-|', qw(curl -sS), "$base/psgi-return-gzip" or die;
-        binmode $fh;
-        my $buf = do { local $/; <$fh> };
-        close $fh or die "curl errored out \$?=$?";
+        require_mods(@zmods, 2);
+        my $buf = xqx([$curl, '-sS', "$base/psgi-return-gzip"]);
+        is($?, 0, 'curl succesful');
         IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::gunzip(\$buf => \(my $out));
         is($out, "hello world\n");
@@ -605,12 +601,14 @@ SKIP: {
 SKIP: {
         skip 'only testing lsof(8) output on Linux', 1 if $^O ne 'linux';
-        skip 'no lsof in PATH', 1 unless which('lsof');
-        my @lsof = `lsof -p $td->{pid}`;
+        my $lsof = which('lsof') or skip 'no lsof in PATH', 1;
+        my $null_in = '';
+        my $rdr = { 2 => \(my $null_err), 0 => \$null_in };
+        my @lsof = xqx([$lsof, '-p', $td->{pid}], undef, $rdr);
         is_deeply([grep(/\bdeleted\b/, @lsof)], [], 'no lingering deleted inputs');
         # filter out pipes inherited from the parent
-        my @this = `lsof -p $$`;
+        my @this = xqx([$lsof, '-p', $$], undef, $rdr);
         my $bad;
         my $extract_inodes = sub {
                 map {;