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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/RepoGitTree.pm
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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2017-03-02 23:39:49 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2017-03-02 23:39:49 +0000
commit16b1fbe36cc39a351ef9810b9018d36df833a941 (patch)
tree6a354e1ab5177993fb11bd5ae0e43400d66ffbce /lib/PublicInbox/RepoGitTree.pm
parenta4df292ed39f6e02a7d57326f291583339cb562d (diff)
This is shorter, and makes more sense as the endpoint
displays both tree listings and actual blob sources.
This will also make rewriting existing URLs from cgit
installations easier.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/RepoGitTree.pm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 249 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/RepoGitTree.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/RepoGitTree.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index e8c34a69..00000000
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/RepoGitTree.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2015 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
-# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
-package PublicInbox::RepoGitTree;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(PublicInbox::RepoBase);
-use PublicInbox::Hval qw(utf8_html);
-use PublicInbox::Qspawn;
-my %GIT_MODE = (
-        '100644' => ' ', # blob
-        '100755' => 'x', # executable blob
-        '040000' => 'd', # tree
-        '120000' => 'l', # symlink
-        '160000' => 'g', # commit (gitlink)
-my $BINARY_MSG = "Binary file, save using the 'raw' link above";
-my $MAX_ASYNC = 65536; # same as pipe size on Linux
-my $BIN_DETECT = 8000; # same as git (buffer_is_binary in git.git)
-sub call_git_tree {
-        my ($self, $req) = @_;
-        my $repo = $req->{-repo};
-        my $git = $repo->{git};
-        my $tip = $req->{tip} || $req->{repo}->tip;
-        sub {
-                my ($res) = @_;
-                $git->check_async($req->{env}, "$tip:$req->{expath}", sub {
-                        my ($info) = @_;
-                        my ($hex, $type, $size) = @$info;
-                        unless (defined $type) {
-                                return $res->([404,
-                                        ['Content-Type','text/plain'],
-                                        ['Not Found']]);
-                        }
-                        show_tree($self, $req, $res, $hex, $type, $size);
-                });
-        }
-sub show_tree {
-        my ($self, $req, $res, $hex, $type, $size) = @_;
-        my $opts = { nofollow => 1 };
-        my $title = "tree: ".utf8_html($req->{expath});
-        $req->{thtml} = $self->html_start($req, $title, $opts) . "\n";
-        if ($type eq 'tree') {
-                $opts->{noindex} = 1;
-                git_tree_show($req, $res, $hex);
-        } elsif ($type eq 'blob') {
-                git_blob_show($req, $res, $hex, $size);
-        } else {
-                $res->([404, ['Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'],
-                         ["Unrecognized type ($type) for $hex\n"]]);
-        }
-sub cur_path {
-        my ($req) = @_;
-        my @ex = @{$req->{extra}} or return '<b>root</b>';
-        my $s;
-        my $tip = $req->{tip} || $req->{repo}->tip;
-        my $rel = $req->{relcmd};
-        # avoid relative paths, here, we don't want to propagate
-        # trailing-slash URLs although we tolerate them
-        $s = "<a\nhref=\"${rel}tree/$tip\">root</a>/";
-        my $cur = pop @ex;
-        my @t;
-        $s .= join('/', (map {
-                push @t, $_;
-                my $e = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($_, join('/', @t));
-                my $ep = $e->as_path;
-                my $eh = $e->as_html;
-                "<a\nhref=\"${rel}tree/$tip/$ep\">$eh</a>";
-        } @ex), '<b>'.utf8_html($cur).'</b>');
-sub git_blob_sed ($$$) {
-        my ($req, $hex, $size) = @_;
-        my $pfx = $req->{tpfx};
-        my $nl = 0;
-        my $bytes = 0;
-        my @lines;
-        my $buf = '';
-        my $rel = $req->{relcmd};
-        my $tip = $req->{tip} || $req->{repo}->tip;
-        my $raw = join('/', "${rel}raw", $tip, @{$req->{extra}});
-        $raw = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($raw)->as_path;
-        my $t = cur_path($req);
-        my $end = '';
-        $req->{thtml} .= qq{\npath: $t\n\nblob $hex} .
-                        qq{\t$size bytes (<a\nhref="$raw">raw</a>)};
-        $req->{lstart} = '</pre><hr/><pre>';
-        my $s;
-        sub {
-                my $dst = delete $req->{thtml} || '';
-                if (defined $_[0]) {
-                        return '' if $bytes < 0; # binary
-                        if ($bytes <= $BIN_DETECT) {
-                                if (index($_[0], "\0") >= 0) {
-                                        $bytes = -1;
-                                        $s = delete $req->{lstart} and
-                                                $dst .= $s;
-                                        $dst .= "\n";
-                                        $dst .= $BINARY_MSG;
-                                        return $dst .= '</pre></body></html>';
-                                }
-                        }
-                        $bytes += bytes::length($_[0]);
-                        $buf .= $_[0];
-                        $_[0] = ''; # save some memory
-                        $s = delete $req->{lstart} and $dst .= $s;
-                        @lines = split(/\r?\n/, $buf, -1);
-                        $buf = pop @lines; # last line, careful...
-                } else { # EOF
-                        $s = delete $req->{lstart} and $dst .= $s;
-                        @lines = split(/\r?\n/, $buf, -1);
-                        $buf = pop @lines;
-                        $end .= '</pre></body></html>';
-                }
-                foreach (@lines) {
-                        ++$nl;
-                        $dst .= "<a\nid=n$nl>";
-                        $dst .= sprintf("% 5u</a>\t", $nl);
-                        $dst .= utf8_html($_);
-                        $dst .= "\n";
-                }
-                @lines = ();
-                if ($end && defined $buf && $buf ne '') {
-                        ++$nl;
-                        $dst .= "<a\nid=n$nl>";
-                        $dst .= sprintf("% 5u</a>\t", $nl);
-                        $dst .= utf8_html($buf);
-                        $buf = undef;
-                        $dst .= "\n\\ No newline at end of file";
-                }
-                $dst .= $end;
-        }
-sub git_blob_show {
-        my ($req, $res, $hex, $size) = @_;
-        my $sed = git_blob_sed($req, $hex, $size);
-        my $git = $req->{-repo}->{git};
-        if ($size <= $MAX_ASYNC) {
-                my $buf = ''; # we slurp small files
-                $git->cat_async($req->{env}, $hex, sub {
-                        my ($r) = @_;
-                        my $ref = ref($r);
-                        return if $ref eq 'ARRAY'; # redundant info
-                        if ($ref eq 'SCALAR') {
-                                $buf .= $$r;
-                                if (bytes::length($buf) == $size) {
-                                        my $fh = $res->([200,
-                                                ['Content-Type',
-                                                 'text/html; charset=UTF-8']]);
-                                        $fh->write($sed->($buf));
-                                        $fh->write($sed->(undef));
-                                        $fh->close;
-                                }
-                                return;
-                        }
-                        my $cb = $res or return;
-                        $res = undef;
-                        $cb->([500,
-                                ['Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'],
-                                [ 'Error' ]]);
-                });
-        } else {
-                $res->([200, ['Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'],
-                        [ 'Too big' ]]);
-        }
-sub git_tree_sed ($) {
-        my ($req) = @_;
-        my @lines;
-        my $buf = '';
-        my $pfx = $req->{tpfx};
-        my $end;
-        sub {
-                my $dst = delete $req->{thtml} || '';
-                if (defined $_[0]) {
-                        @lines = split(/\0/, $buf .= $_[0]);
-                        $buf = pop @lines if @lines;
-                } else {
-                        @lines = split(/\0/, $buf);
-                        $end = '</pre></body></html>';
-                }
-                for (@lines) {
-                        my ($m, $x, $s, $path) =
-                                        (/\A(\S+) \S+ (\S+)( *\S+)\t(.+)\z/s);
-                        $m = $GIT_MODE{$m} or next;
-                        $path = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($path);
-                        my $ref = $path->as_path;
-                        $path = $path->as_html;
-                        if ($m eq 'g') {
-                                # TODO: support cross-repository gitlinks
-                                $dst .= 'g' . (' ' x 15) . "$path @ $x\n";
-                                next;
-                        }
-                        elsif ($m eq 'd') { $path = "$path/" }
-                        elsif ($m eq 'x') { $path = "<b>$path</b>" }
-                        elsif ($m eq 'l') { $path = "<i>$path</i>" }
-                        $s =~ s/\s+//g;
-                        # 'raw' and 'log' links intentionally omitted
-                        # for brevity and speed
-                        $dst .= qq($m\t).
-                                qq($s\t<a\nhref="$pfx/$ref">$path</a>\n);
-                }
-                $dst;
-        }
-sub git_tree_show {
-        my ($req, $res, $hex) = @_;
-        my $git = $req->{-repo}->{git};
-        my $cmd = $git->cmd(qw(ls-tree -l -z), $git->abbrev, $hex);
-        my $rdr = { 2 => $git->err_begin };
-        my $qsp = PublicInbox::Qspawn->new($cmd, undef, $rdr);
-        my $t = cur_path($req);
-        my $pfx;
-        $req->{thtml} .= "\npath: $t\n\n<b>mode\tsize\tname</b>\n";
-        if (defined(my $last = $req->{extra}->[-1])) {
-                $pfx = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($last)->as_path;
-        } elsif (defined(my $tip = $req->{tip})) {
-                $pfx = $tip;
-        } else {
-                $pfx = 'tree/' . $req->{-repo}->tip;
-        }
-        $req->{tpfx} = $pfx;
-        my $env = $req->{env};
-        $env->{'qspawn.response'} = $res;
-        $qsp->psgi_return($env, undef, sub {
-                my ($r) = @_;
-                if (defined $r) {
-                        $env->{'qspawn.filter'} = git_tree_sed($req);
-                        [ 200, [ 'Content-Type', 'text/html' ] ];
-                } else {
-                        [ 500, [ 'Content-Type', 'text/plain' ], [ $git->err ]];
-                }
-        });