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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm
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authorEric Wong (Contractor, The Linux Foundation) <e@80x24.org>2018-03-06 04:15:38 +0000
committerEric Wong (Contractor, The Linux Foundation) <e@80x24.org>2018-03-06 04:51:41 +0000
commit35ac61764499c272d2760de2b2a432be412ecede (patch)
tree4902a8ce21a73c4e3f9b7724fcbadfd5e3038cf7 /lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm
parent8515f32bd403cae734b2fed534a6708758d7949a (diff)
The first Received: header is believable since it typically
hits the user's mail server and can be treated as relatively
trustworthy.  We still show the Date: in per-message (permalink)
views, which may expose users for having incorrect Date:
headers, but all the ISO YYYY-MM-DD dates we display will
match what we see.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm
index ddb63b10..7ba16683 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(spawn);
 use PublicInbox::MID qw(mid_mime mid2path);
 use PublicInbox::Address;
 use PublicInbox::ContentId qw(content_id);
-use Date::Parse qw(str2time);
-use Time::Zone qw(tz_offset);
+use PublicInbox::MsgTime qw(msg_timestamp);
 sub new {
         my ($class, $git, $name, $email, $ibx) = @_;
@@ -204,37 +203,7 @@ sub remove {
 sub parse_date ($) {
         my ($mime) = @_;
-        my $hdr = $mime->header_obj;
-        my $date = $hdr->header_raw('Date');
-        my ($ts, $zone);
-        my $mid = $hdr->header_raw('Message-ID');
-        if ($date) {
-                $ts = eval { str2time($date) };
-                if ($@) {
-                        warn "bad Date: $date in $mid: $@\n";
-                } elsif ($date =~ /\s+([\+\-]\d+)\s*\z/) {
-                        $zone = $1;
-                }
-        }
-        unless ($ts) {
-                my @recvd = $hdr->header_raw('Received');
-                foreach my $r (@recvd) {
-                        $zone = undef;
-                        $r =~ /\s*(\d+\s+[[:alpha:]]+\s+\d{2,4}\s+
-                                \d+\D\d+(?:\D\d+)\s+([\+\-]\d+))/osx or next;
-                        $zone = $2;
-                        $ts = eval { str2time($1) } and last;
-                        warn "no date in Received: $r\n";
-                }
-        }
-        $zone ||= '+0000';
-        # "-1200" is the furthest westermost zone offset,
-        # but git fast-import is liberal so we use "-1400"
-        if ($zone >= 1400 || $zone <= -1400) {
-                warn "bogus TZ offset: $zone, ignoring and assuming +0000\n";
-                $zone = '+0000';
-        }
-        $ts = time unless defined $ts;
+        my ($ts, $zone) = msg_timestamp($mime->header_obj);
         $ts = 0 if $ts < 0; # git uses unsigned times
         "$ts $zone";