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authorEric Wong <e@yhbt.net>2020-01-25 04:44:58 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@yhbt.net>2020-01-27 02:59:09 +0000
commitf480471dadbd10bf6cbcf87aa3580a9cd6391f8f (patch)
parent256d049b7ac24f40bb1df691fe014853b75bf491 (diff)
This test will be expanded, and we can take advantage of
run_script to simplify our internal API use.
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/t/plack.t b/t/plack.t
index ec45b02c..443831a1 100644
--- a/t/plack.t
+++ b/t/plack.t
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
 my $psgi = "./examples/public-inbox.psgi";
 my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir();
 my $pi_config = "$tmpdir/config";
-my $maindir = "$tmpdir/main.git";
+my $inboxdir = "$tmpdir/main.git";
 my $addr = 'test-public@example.com';
 my @mods = qw(HTTP::Request::Common Plack::Test URI::Escape);
@@ -17,25 +17,22 @@ use_ok 'PublicInbox::Git';
 my @ls;
 foreach my $mod (@mods) { use_ok $mod; }
+local $ENV{PI_CONFIG} = $pi_config;
+ok(-f $psgi, "psgi example file found");
+my $pfx = 'http://example.com/test';
+ok(run_script(['-init', 'test', $inboxdir, "$pfx/", $addr]),
+        'initialized repo');
+PublicInbox::Import::run_die([qw(git config -f), $pi_config,
+        'publicinbox.test.newsgroup', 'inbox.test']);
+open my $fh, '>', "$inboxdir/description" or die "open: $!\n";
+print $fh "test for public-inbox\n";
+close $fh or die "close: $!\n";
+my $app = require $psgi;
+my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($inboxdir);
+my $im = PublicInbox::Import->new($git, 'test', $addr);
+# ensure successful message delivery
-        ok(-f $psgi, "psgi example file found");
-        is(0, system(qw(git init -q --bare), $maindir), "git init (main)");
-        open my $fh, '>', "$maindir/description" or die "open: $!\n";
-        print $fh "test for public-inbox\n";
-        close $fh or die "close: $!\n";
-        open $fh, '>>', $pi_config or die;
-        print $fh <<EOF or die;
-[publicinbox "test"]
-        address = $addr
-        inboxdir = $maindir
-        url = http://example.com/test/
-        newsgroup = inbox.test
-        close $fh or die;
-        # ensure successful message delivery
-        {
-                my $mime = Email::MIME->new(<<EOF);
+        my $mime = Email::MIME->new(<<EOF);
 From: Me <me\@example.com>
 To: You <you\@example.com>
 Cc: $addr
@@ -45,210 +42,202 @@ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000
-                my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($maindir);
-                my $im = PublicInbox::Import->new($git, 'test', $addr);
-                $im->add($mime);
-                $im->done;
-                my $rev = $git->qx(qw(rev-list HEAD));
-                like($rev, qr/\A[a-f0-9]{40}/, "good revision committed");
-                @ls = $git->qx(qw(ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD));
-                chomp @ls;
-        }
-        my $app = eval {
-                local $ENV{PI_CONFIG} = $pi_config;
-                require $psgi;
-        };
-        test_psgi($app, sub {
-                my ($cb) = @_;
-                foreach my $u (qw(robots.txt favicon.ico .well-known/foo)) {
-                        my $res = $cb->(GET("http://example.com/$u"));
-                        is($res->code, 404, "$u is missing");
-                }
-        });
-        # redirect with newsgroup
-        test_psgi($app, sub {
-                my ($cb) = @_;
-                my $from = 'http://example.com/inbox.test';
-                my $to = 'http://example.com/test/';
-                my $res = $cb->(GET($from));
-                is($res->code, 301, 'newsgroup name is permanent redirect');
-                is($to, $res->header('Location'), 'redirect location matches');
-                $from .= '/';
-                is($res->code, 301, 'newsgroup name/ is permanent redirect');
-                is($to, $res->header('Location'), 'redirect location matches');
-        });
-        # redirect with trailing /
-        test_psgi($app, sub {
-                my ($cb) = @_;
-                my $from = 'http://example.com/test';
-                my $to = "$from/";
-                my $res = $cb->(GET($from));
-                is(301, $res->code, 'is permanent redirect');
-                is($to, $res->header('Location'),
-                        'redirect location matches with trailing slash');
-        });
+        $im->add($mime);
+        $im->done;
+        my $rev = $git->qx(qw(rev-list HEAD));
+        like($rev, qr/\A[a-f0-9]{40}/, "good revision committed");
+        @ls = $git->qx(qw(ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD));
+        chomp @ls;
-        my $pfx = 'http://example.com/test';
-        foreach my $t (qw(t T)) {
-                test_psgi($app, sub {
-                        my ($cb) = @_;
-                        my $u = $pfx . "/blah\@example.com/$t";
-                        my $res = $cb->(GET($u));
-                        is(301, $res->code, "redirect for missing /");
-                        my $location = $res->header('Location');
-                        like($location, qr!/\Q$t\E/#u\z!,
-                                'redirected with missing /');
-                });
-        }
-        foreach my $t (qw(f)) {
-                test_psgi($app, sub {
-                        my ($cb) = @_;
-                        my $u = $pfx . "/blah\@example.com/$t";
-                        my $res = $cb->(GET($u));
-                        is(301, $res->code, "redirect for legacy /f");
-                        my $location = $res->header('Location');
-                        like($location, qr!/blah\@example\.com/\z!,
-                                'redirected with missing /');
-                });
+test_psgi($app, sub {
+        my ($cb) = @_;
+        foreach my $u (qw(robots.txt favicon.ico .well-known/foo)) {
+                my $res = $cb->(GET("http://example.com/$u"));
+                is($res->code, 404, "$u is missing");
-        test_psgi($app, sub {
-                my ($cb) = @_;
-                my $atomurl = 'http://example.com/test/new.atom';
-                my $res = $cb->(GET('http://example.com/test/new.html'));
-                is(200, $res->code, 'success response received');
-                like($res->content, qr!href="new\.atom"!,
-                        'atom URL generated');
-                like($res->content, qr!href="blah\@example\.com/"!,
-                        'index generated');
-                like($res->content, qr!1993-10-02!, 'date set');
-        });
+# redirect with newsgroup
+test_psgi($app, sub {
+        my ($cb) = @_;
+        my $from = 'http://example.com/inbox.test';
+        my $to = 'http://example.com/test/';
+        my $res = $cb->(GET($from));
+        is($res->code, 301, 'newsgroup name is permanent redirect');
+        is($to, $res->header('Location'), 'redirect location matches');
+        $from .= '/';
+        is($res->code, 301, 'newsgroup name/ is permanent redirect');
+        is($to, $res->header('Location'), 'redirect location matches');
+# redirect with trailing /
+test_psgi($app, sub {
+        my ($cb) = @_;
+        my $from = 'http://example.com/test';
+        my $to = "$from/";
+        my $res = $cb->(GET($from));
+        is(301, $res->code, 'is permanent redirect');
+        is($to, $res->header('Location'),
+                'redirect location matches with trailing slash');
+foreach my $t (qw(t T)) {
         test_psgi($app, sub {
                 my ($cb) = @_;
-                my $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . '/atom.xml'));
-                is(200, $res->code, 'success response received for atom');
-                my $body = $res->content;
-                like($body, qr!link\s+href="\Q$pfx\E/blah\@example\.com/"!s,
-                        'atom feed generated correct URL');
-                like($body, qr/<title>test for public-inbox/,
-                        "set title in XML feed");
-                like($body, qr/zzzzzz/, 'body included');
+                my $u = $pfx . "/blah\@example.com/$t";
+                my $res = $cb->(GET($u));
+                is(301, $res->code, "redirect for missing /");
+                my $location = $res->header('Location');
+                like($location, qr!/\Q$t\E/#u\z!,
+                        'redirected with missing /');
+foreach my $t (qw(f)) {
         test_psgi($app, sub {
                 my ($cb) = @_;
-                my $path = '/blah@example.com/';
-                my $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . $path));
-                is(200, $res->code, "success for $path");
-                like($res->content, qr!<title>hihi - Me</title>!,
-                        "HTML returned");
-                $path .= 'f/';
-                $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . $path));
-                is(301, $res->code, "redirect for $path");
+                my $u = $pfx . "/blah\@example.com/$t";
+                my $res = $cb->(GET($u));
+                is(301, $res->code, "redirect for legacy /f");
                 my $location = $res->header('Location');
                 like($location, qr!/blah\@example\.com/\z!,
-                        '/$MESSAGE_ID/f/ redirected to /$MESSAGE_ID/');
-        });
-        test_psgi($app, sub {
-                my ($cb) = @_;
-                my $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . '/blah@example.com/raw'));
-                is(200, $res->code, 'success response received for /*/raw');
-                like($res->content, qr!^From !sm, "mbox returned");
+                        'redirected with missing /');
-        # legacy redirects
-        foreach my $t (qw(m f)) {
-                test_psgi($app, sub {
-                        my ($cb) = @_;
-                        my $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . "/$t/blah\@example.com.txt"));
-                        is(301, $res->code, "redirect for old $t .txt link");
-                        my $location = $res->header('Location');
-                        like($location, qr!/blah\@example\.com/raw\z!,
-                                ".txt redirected to /raw");
-                });
-        }
-        my %umap = (
-                'm' => '',
-                'f' => '',
-                't' => 't/',
-        );
-        while (my ($t, $e) = each %umap) {
-                test_psgi($app, sub {
-                        my ($cb) = @_;
-                        my $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . "/$t/blah\@example.com.html"));
-                        is(301, $res->code, "redirect for old $t .html link");
-                        my $location = $res->header('Location');
-                        like($location,
-                                qr!/blah\@example\.com/$e(?:#u)?\z!,
-                                ".html redirected to new location");
-                });
-        }
-        foreach my $sfx (qw(mbox mbox.gz)) {
-                test_psgi($app, sub {
-                        my ($cb) = @_;
-                        my $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . "/t/blah\@example.com.$sfx"));
-                        is(301, $res->code, 'redirect for old thread link');
-                        my $location = $res->header('Location');
-                        like($location,
-                             qr!/blah\@example\.com/t\.mbox(?:\.gz)?\z!,
-                             "$sfx redirected to /mbox.gz");
-                });
-        }
+test_psgi($app, sub {
+        my ($cb) = @_;
+        my $atomurl = 'http://example.com/test/new.atom';
+        my $res = $cb->(GET('http://example.com/test/new.html'));
+        is(200, $res->code, 'success response received');
+        like($res->content, qr!href="new\.atom"!,
+                'atom URL generated');
+        like($res->content, qr!href="blah\@example\.com/"!,
+                'index generated');
+        like($res->content, qr!1993-10-02!, 'date set');
+test_psgi($app, sub {
+        my ($cb) = @_;
+        my $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . '/atom.xml'));
+        is(200, $res->code, 'success response received for atom');
+        my $body = $res->content;
+        like($body, qr!link\s+href="\Q$pfx\E/blah\@example\.com/"!s,
+                'atom feed generated correct URL');
+        like($body, qr/<title>test for public-inbox/,
+                "set title in XML feed");
+        like($body, qr/zzzzzz/, 'body included');
+test_psgi($app, sub {
+        my ($cb) = @_;
+        my $path = '/blah@example.com/';
+        my $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . $path));
+        is(200, $res->code, "success for $path");
+        like($res->content, qr!<title>hihi - Me</title>!,
+                "HTML returned");
+        $path .= 'f/';
+        $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . $path));
+        is(301, $res->code, "redirect for $path");
+        my $location = $res->header('Location');
+        like($location, qr!/blah\@example\.com/\z!,
+                '/$MESSAGE_ID/f/ redirected to /$MESSAGE_ID/');
+test_psgi($app, sub {
+        my ($cb) = @_;
+        my $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . '/blah@example.com/raw'));
+        is(200, $res->code, 'success response received for /*/raw');
+        like($res->content, qr!^From !sm, "mbox returned");
+# legacy redirects
+foreach my $t (qw(m f)) {
         test_psgi($app, sub {
                 my ($cb) = @_;
-                # for a while, we used to support /$INBOX/$X40/
-                # when we "compressed" long Message-IDs to SHA-1
-                # Now we're stuck supporting them forever :<
-                foreach my $path (@ls) {
-                        $path =~ tr!/!!d;
-                        my $from = "http://example.com/test/$path/";
-                        my $res = $cb->(GET($from));
-                        is(301, $res->code, 'is permanent redirect');
-                        like($res->header('Location'),
-                                qr!/test/blah\@example\.com/!,
-                                'redirect from x40 MIDs works');
-                }
+                my $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . "/$t/blah\@example.com.txt"));
+                is(301, $res->code, "redirect for old $t .txt link");
+                my $location = $res->header('Location');
+                like($location, qr!/blah\@example\.com/raw\z!,
+                        ".txt redirected to /raw");
-        # dumb HTTP clone/fetch support
+my %umap = (
+        'm' => '',
+        'f' => '',
+        't' => 't/',
+while (my ($t, $e) = each %umap) {
         test_psgi($app, sub {
                 my ($cb) = @_;
-                my $path = '/test/info/refs';
-                my $req = HTTP::Request->new('GET' => $path);
-                my $res = $cb->($req);
-                is(200, $res->code, 'refs readable');
-                my $orig = $res->content;
-                $req->header('Range', 'bytes=5-10');
-                $res = $cb->($req);
-                is(206, $res->code, 'got partial response');
-                is($res->content, substr($orig, 5, 6), 'partial body OK');
-                $req->header('Range', 'bytes=5-');
-                $res = $cb->($req);
-                is(206, $res->code, 'got partial another response');
-                is($res->content, substr($orig, 5), 'partial body OK past end');
+                my $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . "/$t/blah\@example.com.html"));
+                is(301, $res->code, "redirect for old $t .html link");
+                my $location = $res->header('Location');
+                like($location,
+                        qr!/blah\@example\.com/$e(?:#u)?\z!,
+                        ".html redirected to new location");
-        # things which should fail
+foreach my $sfx (qw(mbox mbox.gz)) {
         test_psgi($app, sub {
                 my ($cb) = @_;
-                my $res = $cb->(PUT('/'));
-                is(405, $res->code, 'no PUT to / allowed');
-                $res = $cb->(PUT('/test/'));
-                is(405, $res->code, 'no PUT /$INBOX allowed');
-                # TODO
-                # $res = $cb->(GET('/'));
+                my $res = $cb->(GET($pfx . "/t/blah\@example.com.$sfx"));
+                is(301, $res->code, 'redirect for old thread link');
+                my $location = $res->header('Location');
+                like($location,
+                     qr!/blah\@example\.com/t\.mbox(?:\.gz)?\z!,
+                     "$sfx redirected to /mbox.gz");
+test_psgi($app, sub {
+        my ($cb) = @_;
+        # for a while, we used to support /$INBOX/$X40/
+        # when we "compressed" long Message-IDs to SHA-1
+        # Now we're stuck supporting them forever :<
+        foreach my $path (@ls) {
+                $path =~ tr!/!!d;
+                my $from = "http://example.com/test/$path/";
+                my $res = $cb->(GET($from));
+                is(301, $res->code, 'is permanent redirect');
+                like($res->header('Location'),
+                        qr!/test/blah\@example\.com/!,
+                        'redirect from x40 MIDs works');
+        }
+# dumb HTTP clone/fetch support
+test_psgi($app, sub {
+        my ($cb) = @_;
+        my $path = '/test/info/refs';
+        my $req = HTTP::Request->new('GET' => $path);
+        my $res = $cb->($req);
+        is(200, $res->code, 'refs readable');
+        my $orig = $res->content;
+        $req->header('Range', 'bytes=5-10');
+        $res = $cb->($req);
+        is(206, $res->code, 'got partial response');
+        is($res->content, substr($orig, 5, 6), 'partial body OK');
+        $req->header('Range', 'bytes=5-');
+        $res = $cb->($req);
+        is(206, $res->code, 'got partial another response');
+        is($res->content, substr($orig, 5), 'partial body OK past end');
+# things which should fail
+test_psgi($app, sub {
+        my ($cb) = @_;
+        my $res = $cb->(PUT('/'));
+        is(405, $res->code, 'no PUT to / allowed');
+        $res = $cb->(PUT('/test/'));
+        is(405, $res->code, 'no PUT /$INBOX allowed');
+        # TODO
+        # $res = $cb->(GET('/'));