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authorEric Wong <e@yhbt.net>2020-07-17 06:31:55 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@yhbt.net>2020-07-17 20:56:54 +0000
commit592f8239dceb6604e538fd51e62bcce50d6e1972 (patch)
parentc06e7fc8afea8441ed3d29d63cb8933704b15e7d (diff)
Since over.sqlite3 seems here to stay, we no longer need to do
Message-ID lookups against Xapian and can simply rely on the
docid <=> NNTP article number equivalancy SCHEMA_VERSION=15
gave us.

This rids us of the closure-using batch_do sub in the v1
code path and vastly simplifies both v1 and v2 unindexing.
5 files changed, 66 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/OverIdx.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/OverIdx.pm
index 29c6e0b9..5601e602 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/OverIdx.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/OverIdx.pm
@@ -326,22 +326,23 @@ INSERT INTO id2num (id, num) VALUES (?,?)
 sub _remove_oid {
-        my ($self, $smsg, $oid, $nr) = @_;
+        my ($self, $smsg, $oid, $removed) = @_;
         if (!defined($oid) || $smsg->{blob} eq $oid) {
                 delete_by_num($self, $smsg->{num});
-                $$nr++;
+                push @$removed, $smsg->{num};
-# returns number of removed messages
+# returns number of removed messages in scalar context,
+# array of removed article numbers in array context.
 # $oid may be undef to match only on $mid
 sub remove_oid {
         my ($self, $oid, $mid) = @_;
-        my $nr = 0;
+        my $removed = [];
-        each_by_mid($self, $mid, ['ddd'], \&_remove_oid, $oid, \$nr);
-        $nr;
+        each_by_mid($self, $mid, ['ddd'], \&_remove_oid, $oid, $removed);
+        @$removed;
 sub _num_mid0_for_oid {
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
index 9550847b..83162509 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use v5.10.1;
 use parent qw(PublicInbox::Search PublicInbox::Lock);
 use PublicInbox::Eml;
 use PublicInbox::InboxWritable;
-use PublicInbox::MID qw/mid_clean mid_mime mids_for_index/;
+use PublicInbox::MID qw(mid_mime mids_for_index mids);
 use PublicInbox::MsgIter;
 use Carp qw(croak);
 use POSIX qw(strftime);
@@ -413,88 +413,32 @@ sub add_message {
-# returns begin and end PostingIterator
-sub find_doc_ids {
-        my ($self, $termval) = @_;
-        my $db = $self->{xdb};
-        ($db->postlist_begin($termval), $db->postlist_end($termval));
-# v1 only
-sub batch_do {
-        my ($self, $termval, $cb) = @_;
-        my $batch_size = 1000; # don't let @ids grow too large to avoid OOM
-        while (1) {
-                my ($head, $tail) = $self->find_doc_ids($termval);
-                return if $head == $tail;
-                my @ids;
-                for (; $head != $tail && @ids < $batch_size; $head++) {
-                        push @ids, $head->get_docid;
+sub xdb_remove {
+        my ($self, $oid, @removed) = @_;
+        my $xdb = $self->{xdb} or return;
+        for my $num (@removed) {
+                my $doc = eval { $xdb->get_document($num) };
+                unless ($doc) {
+                        warn "E: $@\n" if $@;
+                        warn "E: #$num $oid missing in Xapian\n";
+                        next;
-                $cb->(\@ids);
-        }
-# v1 only, where $mid is unique
-sub remove_message {
-        my ($self, $mid) = @_;
-        $mid = mid_clean($mid);
-        if (my $over = $self->{over}) {
-                my $nr = eval { $over->remove_oid(undef, $mid) };
-                if ($@) {
-                        warn "failed to remove <$mid> from overview: $@\n";
-                } elsif ($nr == 0) {
-                        warn "<$mid> missing for removal from overview\n";
+                my $smsg = bless {}, 'PublicInbox::Smsg';
+                $smsg->load_expand($doc);
+                my $blob = $smsg->{blob} // '(unset)';
+                if ($blob eq $oid) {
+                        $xdb->delete_document($num);
+                } else {
+                        warn "E: #$num $oid != $blob in Xapian\n";
-        return unless need_xapian($self);
-        my $db = $self->{xdb};
-        my $nr = 0;
-        eval {
-                batch_do($self, 'Q' . $mid, sub {
-                        my ($ids) = @_;
-                        $db->delete_document($_) for @$ids;
-                        $nr += scalar @$ids;
-                });
-        };
-        if ($@) {
-                warn "failed to remove <$mid> from Xapian: $@\n";
-        } elsif ($nr == 0) {
-                warn "<$mid> missing for removal from Xapian\n";
-        }
-# MID is a hint in V2
 sub remove_by_oid {
-        my ($self, $oid, $mid) = @_;
-        $self->{over}->remove_oid($oid, $mid) if $self->{over};
-        return unless need_xapian($self);
-        my $db = $self->{xdb};
-        # XXX careful, we cannot use batch_do here since we conditionally
-        # delete documents based on other factors, so we cannot call
-        # find_doc_ids twice.
-        my ($head, $tail) = $self->find_doc_ids('Q' . $mid);
-        return if $head == $tail;
-        # there is only ONE element in @delete unless we
-        # have bugs in our v2writable deduplication check
-        my @delete;
-        for (; $head != $tail; $head++) {
-                my $docid = $head->get_docid;
-                my $doc = $db->get_document($docid);
-                my $smsg = bless { mid => $mid }, 'PublicInbox::Smsg';
-                $smsg->load_expand($doc);
-                if ($smsg->{blob} eq $oid) {
-                        push(@delete, $docid);
-                }
-        }
-        $db->delete_document($_) foreach @delete;
-        scalar(@delete);
+        my ($self, $oid, $num) = @_;
+        die "BUG: remove_by_oid is v2-only\n" if $self->{over};
+        $self->begin_txn_lazy;
+        xdb_remove($self, $oid, $num) if need_xapian($self);
 sub index_git_blob_id {
@@ -507,10 +451,29 @@ sub index_git_blob_id {
-sub unindex_blob {
-        my ($self, $mime) = @_;
-        my $mid = eval { mid_mime($mime) };
-        $self->remove_message($mid) if defined $mid;
+# v1 only
+sub unindex_eml {
+        my ($self, $oid, $eml) = @_;
+        my $mids = mids($eml);
+        my $nr = 0;
+        my %tmp;
+        for my $mid (@$mids) {
+                my @removed = eval { $self->{over}->remove_oid($oid, $mid) };
+                if ($@) {
+                        warn "E: failed to remove <$mid> from overview: $@\n";
+                } else {
+                        $nr += scalar @removed;
+                        $tmp{$_}++ for @removed;
+                }
+        }
+        if (!$nr) {
+                $mids = join('> <', @$mids);
+                warn "W: <$mids> missing for removal from overview\n";
+        }
+        while (my ($num, $nr) = each %tmp) {
+                warn "BUG: $num appears >1 times ($nr) for $oid\n" if $nr != 1;
+        }
+        xdb_remove($self, $oid, keys %tmp) if need_xapian($self);
 sub index_mm {
@@ -577,7 +540,7 @@ sub index_both { # git->cat_async callback
 sub unindex_both { # git->cat_async callback
         my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $self) = @_;
         my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new($bref);
-        unindex_blob($self, $eml);
+        unindex_eml($self, $oid, $eml);
         unindex_mm($self, $eml);
@@ -844,13 +807,12 @@ sub remote_close {
 sub remote_remove {
-        my ($self, $oid, $mid) = @_;
+        my ($self, $oid, $num) = @_;
         if (my $w = $self->{w}) {
                 # triggers remove_by_oid in a shard
-                print $w "D $oid $mid\n" or die "failed to write remove $!";
+                print $w "D $oid $num\n" or die "failed to write remove $!";
         } else {
-                $self->begin_txn_lazy;
-                $self->remove_by_oid($oid, $mid);
+                $self->remove_by_oid($oid, $num);
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdxShard.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdxShard.pm
index b51d148b..54426881 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdxShard.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdxShard.pm
@@ -62,10 +62,8 @@ sub shard_worker_loop ($$$$$) {
                         # no need to lock < 512 bytes is atomic under POSIX
                         print $bnote "barrier $shard\n" or
                                         die "write failed for barrier $!\n";
-                } elsif ($line =~ /\AD ([a-f0-9]{40,}) (.+)\n\z/s) {
-                        my ($oid, $mid) = ($1, $2);
-                        $self->begin_txn_lazy;
-                        $self->remove_by_oid($oid, $mid);
+                } elsif ($line =~ /\AD ([a-f0-9]{40,}) ([0-9]+)\n\z/s) {
+                        $self->remove_by_oid($1, $2 + 0);
                 } else {
                         chomp $line;
                         # n.b. $mid may contain spaces(!)
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm
index b51c8525..dffe90d8 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm
@@ -1185,8 +1185,11 @@ sub sync_prepare ($$$) {
 sub unindex_oid_remote ($$$) {
         my ($self, $oid, $mid) = @_;
-        $_->remote_remove($oid, $mid) foreach @{$self->{idx_shards}};
-        $self->{over}->remove_oid($oid, $mid);
+        my @removed = $self->{over}->remove_oid($oid, $mid);
+        for my $num (@removed) {
+                my $idx = idx_shard($self, $num % $self->{shards});
+                $idx->remote_remove($oid, $num);
+        }
 sub unindex_oid ($$$;$) {
diff --git a/t/search.t b/t/search.t
index 82caf9e4..aa6f94bf 100644
--- a/t/search.t
+++ b/t/search.t
@@ -397,7 +397,9 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
 $ibx->with_umask(sub {
         my $amsg = eml_load 't/search-amsg.eml';
-        ok($rw->add_message($amsg), 'added attachment');
+        my $oid = ('0'x40);
+        my $smsg = bless { blob => $oid }, 'PublicInbox::Smsg';
+        ok($rw->add_message($amsg, $smsg), 'added attachment');
         my $n = $ro->query('n:attached_fart.txt');
@@ -418,7 +420,7 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
                 $art = $ro->{over_ro}->next_by_mid($mid, \$id, \$prev);
                 ok($art, 'article exists in OVER DB');
-        $rw->unindex_blob($amsg);
+        $rw->unindex_eml($oid, $amsg);
         SKIP: {
                 skip('$art not defined', 1) unless defined $art;