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authorEric Wong (Contractor, The Linux Foundation) <e@80x24.org>2018-03-02 19:32:19 +0000
committerEric Wong (Contractor, The Linux Foundation) <e@80x24.org>2018-03-02 19:32:19 +0000
commitf80ef6a32b28f54415f79513537f6c9fcd58a244 (patch)
parent9e9863aa5fb74358cd2b5960e4d8d16f1ee9fece (diff)
Since we'll need to support multiple Message-IDs anyways,
inject a new one if we hit a duplicate (or don't get one at

Try to use a deterministic Message-Id for consistency, but give
up determinism and use a random Message-Id if an "attacker"
wants to prevent their message from being archived.
3 files changed, 154 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 1aaf8fff..7366aa0d 100644
@@ -177,5 +177,6 @@ t/spawn.t
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm
index 57cb7d38..6d738278 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ use PublicInbox::SearchIdxSkeleton;
 use PublicInbox::MIME;
 use PublicInbox::Git;
 use PublicInbox::Import;
-use PublicInbox::MID qw(mid_clean mid_mime);
-use PublicInbox::ContentId qw(content_id);
+use PublicInbox::MID qw(mids);
+use PublicInbox::ContentId qw(content_id content_digest);
 use PublicInbox::Inbox;
 # an estimate of the post-packed size to the raw uncompressed size
@@ -62,21 +62,8 @@ sub add {
         # leaking FDs to it...
-        my $mid = mid_clean(mid_mime($mime));
-        my $num = $self->{skel}->{mm}->mid_insert($mid);
-        if (!defined($num)) { # mid is already known
-                $self->done; # ensure all subprocesses are done writing
-                my $existing = $self->lookup_content($mime);
-                warn "<$mid> resent\n" if $existing;
-                return if $existing; # easy, don't store duplicates
-                # reuse NNTP article number?
-                warn "<$mid> reused for mismatched content\n";
-                $self->idx_init;
-                $num = $self->{skel}->{mm}->num_for($mid);
-        }
+        my $num = num_for($self, $mime);
+        defined $num or return; # duplicate
         my $im = $self->importer;
         my $cmt = $im->add($mime);
         $cmt = $im->get_mark($cmt);
@@ -95,6 +82,70 @@ sub add {
+sub num_for {
+        my ($self, $mime) = @_;
+        my $mids = mids($mime->header_obj);
+        if (@$mids) {
+                my $mid = $mids->[0];
+                my $num = $self->{skel}->{mm}->mid_insert($mid);
+                return $num if defined($num); # common case
+                # crap, Message-ID is already known, hope somebody just resent:
+                $self->done; # write barrier, clears $self->{skel}
+                foreach my $m (@$mids) {
+                        # read-only lookup now safe to do after above barrier
+                        my $existing = $self->lookup_content($mime, $m);
+                        if ($existing) {
+                                warn "<$m> resent\n";
+                                return; # easy, don't store duplicates
+                        }
+                }
+                # very unlikely:
+                warn "<$mid> reused for mismatched content\n";
+                $self->idx_init;
+                # try the rest of the mids
+                foreach my $i (1..$#$mids) {
+                        my $m = $mids->[$i];
+                        $num = $self->{skel}->{mm}->mid_insert($m);
+                        if (defined $num) {
+                                warn "alternative <$m> for <$mid> found\n";
+                                return $num;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        # none of the existing Message-IDs are good, generate a new one:
+        num_for_harder($self, $mime);
+sub num_for_harder {
+        my ($self, $mime) = @_;
+        my $hdr = $mime->header_obj;
+        my $dig = content_digest($mime);
+        my $mid = $dig->clone->hexdigest . '@localhost';
+        my $num = $self->{skel}->{mm}->mid_insert($mid);
+        unless (defined $num) {
+                # it's hard to spoof the last Received: header
+                my @recvd = $hdr->header_raw('Received');
+                $dig->add("Received: $_") foreach (@recvd);
+                $mid = $dig->clone->hexdigest . '@localhost';
+                $num = $self->{skel}->{mm}->mid_insert($mid);
+                # fall back to a random Message-ID and give up determinism:
+                until (defined($num)) {
+                        $dig->add(rand);
+                        $mid = $dig->clone->hexdigest . '@localhost';
+                        warn "using random Message-ID <$mid> as fallback\n";
+                        $num = $self->{skel}->{mm}->mid_insert($mid);
+                }
+        }
+        my @cur = $hdr->header_raw('Message-Id');
+        $hdr->header_set('Message-Id', @cur, "<$mid>");
+        $num;
 sub idx_part {
         my ($self, $part) = @_;
@@ -268,13 +319,12 @@ sub import_init {
 sub lookup_content {
-        my ($self, $mime) = @_;
+        my ($self, $mime, $mid) = @_;
         my $ibx = $self->{-inbox};
         my $srch = $ibx->search;
         my $cid = content_id($mime);
         my $found;
-        my $mid = mid_mime($mime);
         $srch->each_smsg_by_mid($mid, sub {
                 my ($smsg) = @_;
diff --git a/t/v2writable.t b/t/v2writable.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc2437a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/v2writable.t
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use PublicInbox::MIME;
+use PublicInbox::ContentId qw(content_digest);
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+foreach my $mod (qw(DBD::SQLite Search::Xapian)) {
+        eval "require $mod";
+        plan skip_all => "$mod missing for nntpd.t" if $@;
+use_ok 'PublicInbox::V2Writable';
+my $mainrepo = tempdir('pi-v2writable-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
+my $ibx = {
+        mainrepo => $mainrepo,
+        name => 'test-v2writable',
+        version => 2,
+        -primary_address => 'test@example.com',
+$ibx = PublicInbox::Inbox->new($ibx);
+my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->create(
+        header => [
+                From => 'a@example.com',
+                To => 'test@example.com',
+                Subject => 'this is a subject',
+                'Message-ID' => '<a-mid@b>',
+                Date => 'Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000',
+        ],
+        body => "hello world\n",
+my $im = PublicInbox::V2Writable->new($ibx, 1);
+ok($im->add($mime), 'ordinary message added');
+        my @warn;
+        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
+        is(undef, $im->add($mime), 'obvious duplicate rejected');
+        like(join(' ', @warn), qr/resent/, 'warned about resent message');
+        @warn = ();
+        $mime->header_set('Message-Id', '<a-mid@b>', '<c@d>');
+        ok($im->add($mime), 'secondary MID used');
+        like(join(' ', @warn), qr/mismatched/, 'warned about mismatch');
+        like(join(' ', @warn), qr/alternative/, 'warned about alternative');
+        is_deeply([ '<a-mid@b>', '<c@d>' ],
+                [ $mime->header_obj->header_raw('Message-Id') ],
+                'no new Message-Id added');
+        @warn = ();
+        $mime->header_set('Message-Id', '<a-mid@b>');
+        $mime->body_set('different');
+        ok($im->add($mime), 'reused mid ok');
+        like(join(' ', @warn), qr/reused/, 'warned about reused MID');
+        my @mids = $mime->header_obj->header_raw('Message-Id');
+        is($mids[0], '<a-mid@b>', 'original mid not changed');
+        like($mids[1], qr/\A<\w+\@localhost>\z/, 'new MID added');
+        is(scalar(@mids), 2, 'only one new MID added');
+        @warn = ();
+        $mime->header_set('Message-Id', '<a-mid@b>');
+        $mime->body_set('this one needs a random mid');
+        my $gen = content_digest($mime)->hexdigest . '@localhost';
+        my $fake = PublicInbox::MIME->new($mime->as_string);
+        $fake->header_set('Message-Id', $gen);
+        ok($im->add($fake), 'fake added easily');
+        is_deeply(\@warn, [], 'no warnings from a faker');
+        ok($im->add($mime), 'random MID made');
+        like(join(' ', @warn), qr/using random/, 'warned about using random');
+        @mids = $mime->header_obj->header_raw('Message-Id');
+        is($mids[0], '<a-mid@b>', 'original mid not changed');
+        like($mids[1], qr/\A<\w+\@localhost>\z/, 'new MID added');
+        is(scalar(@mids), 2, 'only one new MID added');
+        @warn = ();
+        $mime->header_set('Message-Id');
+        ok($im->add($mime), 'random MID made for MID free message');
+        @mids = $mime->header_obj->header_raw('Message-Id');
+        like($mids[0], qr/\A<\w+\@localhost>\z/, 'mid was generated');
+        is(scalar(@mids), 1, 'new generated');