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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2016-08-04 23:36:34 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2016-08-05 02:26:26 +0000
commitaf65e06b3ba65952f1223e09b9df0736965bdaeb (patch)
parent1203c8b745adfe6f0717e410ce1636260b5d9e46 (diff)
PSGI applications (like our WWW :P) can fail unpredictability,
but lets try to avoid bringing the entire process down when this
3 files changed, 94 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/HTTP.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/HTTP.pm
index fa34b443..729d46fb 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/HTTP.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/HTTP.pm
@@ -245,29 +245,49 @@ sub response_done ($$) {
         $self->write(sub { $alive ? next_request($self) : $self->close });
+sub getline_cb ($$$) {
+        my ($self, $write, $close) = @_;
+        local $/ = \8192;
+        my $forward = $self->{forward};
+        # limit our own running time for fairness with other
+        # clients and to avoid buffering too much:
+        if ($forward) {
+                my $buf = eval { $forward->getline };
+                if (defined $buf) {
+                        $write->($buf); # may close in Danga::Socket::write
+                        unless ($self->{closed}) {
+                                my $next = $self->{pull};
+                                if ($self->{write_buf_size}) {
+                                        $self->write($next);
+                                } else {
+                                        PublicInbox::EvCleanup::asap($next);
+                                }
+                                return;
+                        }
+                } elsif ($@) {
+                        err($self, "response ->getline error: $@");
+                        $forward = undef;
+                        $self->close;
+                }
+        }
+        $self->{forward} = $self->{pull} = undef;
+        # avoid recursion
+        if ($forward) {
+                eval { $forward->close };
+                if ($@) {
+                        err($self, "response ->close error: $@");
+                        $self->close; # idempotent
+                }
+        }
+        $close->();
 sub getline_response {
         my ($self, $body, $write, $close) = @_;
         $self->{forward} = $body;
-        my $pull = $self->{pull} = sub {
-                local $/ = \8192;
-                my $forward = $self->{forward};
-                # limit our own running time for fairness with other
-                # clients and to avoid buffering too much:
-                while ($forward && defined(my $buf = $forward->getline)) {
-                        $write->($buf);
-                        last if $self->{closed};
-                        if ($self->{write_buf_size}) {
-                                $self->write($self->{pull});
-                        } else {
-                                PublicInbox::EvCleanup::asap($self->{pull});
-                        }
-                        return;
-                }
-                $self->{forward} = $self->{pull} = undef;
-                $forward->close if $forward; # avoid recursion
-                $close->();
-        };
+        my $pull = $self->{pull} = sub { getline_cb($self, $write, $close) };
@@ -331,12 +351,15 @@ sub input_prepare {
 sub env_chunked { ($_[0]->{HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING} || '') =~ /\bchunked\b/i }
+sub err ($$) {
+        eval { $_[0]->{httpd}->{env}->{'psgi.errors'}->print($_[1]."\n") };
 sub write_err {
         my ($self, $len) = @_;
-        my $err = $self->{httpd}->{env}->{'psgi.errors'};
         my $msg = $! || '(zero write)';
         $msg .= " ($len bytes remaining)" if defined $len;
-        $err->print("error buffering to input: $msg\n");
+        err($self, "error buffering to input: $msg");
         quit($self, 500);
@@ -347,8 +370,7 @@ sub recv_err {
                 $self->{input_left} = $len;
-        my $err = $self->{httpd}->{env}->{'psgi.errors'};
-        $err->print("error reading for input: $! ($len bytes remaining)\n");
+        err($self, "error reading for input: $! ($len bytes remaining)");
         quit($self, 500);
@@ -451,7 +473,10 @@ sub close {
         my $env = $self->{env};
         delete $env->{'psgix.io'} if $env; # prevent circular referernces
         $self->{pull} = $self->{forward} = $self->{env} = undef;
-        $forward->close if $forward;
+        if ($forward) {
+                eval { $forward->close };
+                err($self, "forward ->close error: $@") if $@;
+        }
diff --git a/t/httpd-corner.psgi b/t/httpd-corner.psgi
index 222b9e01..ed1f92c0 100644
--- a/t/httpd-corner.psgi
+++ b/t/httpd-corner.psgi
@@ -60,6 +60,18 @@ my $app = sub {
         } elsif ($path eq '/empty') {
                 $code = 200;
+        } elsif ($path eq '/getline-die') {
+                $code = 200;
+                $body = Plack::Util::inline_object(
+                        getline => sub { die 'GETLINE FAIL' },
+                        close => sub { die 'CLOSE FAIL' },
+                );
+        } elsif ($path eq '/close-die') {
+                $code = 200;
+                $body = Plack::Util::inline_object(
+                        getline => sub { undef },
+                        close => sub { die 'CLOSE FAIL' },
+                );
         [ $code, $h, $body ]
diff --git a/t/httpd-corner.t b/t/httpd-corner.t
index 5ecc69b5..1e8465c2 100644
--- a/t/httpd-corner.t
+++ b/t/httpd-corner.t
@@ -86,6 +86,30 @@ my $spawn_httpd = sub {
+        my $conn = conn_for($sock, 'getline-die');
+        $conn->write("GET /getline-die HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n");
+        ok($conn->read(my $buf, 8192), 'read some response');
+        like($buf, qr!HTTP/1\.1 200\b[^\r]*\r\n!, 'got some sort of header');
+        is($conn->read(my $nil, 8192), 0, 'read EOF');
+        $conn = undef;
+        my $after = capture($err);
+        is(scalar(grep(/GETLINE FAIL/, @$after)), 1, 'failure logged');
+        is(scalar(grep(/CLOSE FAIL/, @$after)), 1, 'body->close not called');
+        my $conn = conn_for($sock, 'close-die');
+        $conn->write("GET /close-die HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n");
+        ok($conn->read(my $buf, 8192), 'read some response');
+        like($buf, qr!HTTP/1\.1 200\b[^\r]*\r\n!, 'got some sort of header');
+        is($conn->read(my $nil, 8192), 0, 'read EOF');
+        $conn = undef;
+        my $after = capture($err);
+        is(scalar(grep(/GETLINE FAIL/, @$after)), 0, 'getline not failed');
+        is(scalar(grep(/CLOSE FAIL/, @$after)), 1, 'body->close not called');
         my $conn = conn_for($sock, 'excessive header');
         $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
         $conn->write("GET /callback HTTP/1.0\r\n");
@@ -489,4 +513,13 @@ SKIP: {
+sub capture {
+        my ($f) = @_;
+        open my $fh, '+<', $f or die "failed to open $f: $!\n";
+        local $/ = "\n";
+        my @r = <$fh>;
+        truncate($fh, 0) or die "truncate failed on $f: $!\n";
+        \@r