messages from 2021-09-14 02:39:05 to 2021-09-27 21:05:45 UTC [more...]
latest make test failures on CentOS-7
2021-09-27 21:05 UTC (8+ messages)
` [PATCH] t/cmd_ipc: allow extra errors and add diagnostics
` -fetch failures [was: latest make test failures on CentOS-7]
` [PATCH 0/3] fixes for odd/old/missing dependencies
` [PATCH 1/3] fetch: support running as root
` [PATCH 2/3] t/lei-index: IMAP and NNTP dependencies are optional
[PATCH] xt/net_writer_imap: env knobs for compress/debug/proxy
2021-09-27 9:23 UTC
[PATCH] config: get_1: use full parameter name
2021-09-27 7:53 UTC
httpd memory usage?
2021-09-27 7:10 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH 0/2] lei rediff: --drq and --dequote-only
2021-09-27 4:59 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/2] lei rediff: quiet warnings from Import and Eml
` [PATCH 2/2] lei rediff: add --drq and --dequote-only
[PATCH] net_reader: drop support for IgnoreSizeErrors option
2021-09-26 21:25 UTC
[PATCH] lei: ensure refresh_watches isn't called from workers
2021-09-26 5:38 UTC
[PATCH] t/run.perl: less confusing error reporting
2021-09-26 1:42 UTC
[PATCH] inbox: cloneurl: avoid undef to hash table value
2021-09-26 1:42 UTC
[PATCH] lei -f reply: fix Cc: header combining
2021-09-26 1:42 UTC
[PATCH 0/2] wwwlisting shows /all/
2021-09-26 1:30 UTC (2+ messages)
` [PATCH] www_listing: support /all/ search as a 302 redirect
[PATCH] lei note-event: ignore kw_changed exceptions
2021-09-26 0:02 UTC
[PATCH 0/2] www: shrink per-inbox hashtable slots
2021-09-25 22:16 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/2] extmsg: search_partial: use ->isrch if available
` [PATCH 2/2] search: avoid setting undef hashtable entries
[PATCH 0/3] lei *-external: split off into separate files
2021-09-25 8:49 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/3] lei forget-external: split into separate file
` [PATCH 2/3] lei add-external: "
` [PATCH 3/3] lei ls-external: "
[PATCH] doc: lei-rm: remove unnecessary -F values
2021-09-25 7:08 UTC
[PATCH] lei: make pkt_op easier-to-use and understand
2021-09-25 6:17 UTC
[PATCH 0/3] lei: some robustness fixes
2021-09-25 5:49 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/3] lei up: show timezone offset with localtime
` [PATCH 2/3] lei: restore old sigmask before daemon exit
` [PATCH 3/3] lei2mail: augment_inprogress: guard against closed FDs
[PATCH 0/5] clone|fetch: flesh out partial mirror support
2021-09-25 3:21 UTC (7+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/5] clone|--mirror: support --epoch=RANGE for partial clones
` [PATCH 2/5] fetch: fix skipping with multi-epoch inboxes
` [PATCH 3/5] clone|--mirror: fix and test against pre-manifest WWW
` [PATCH 4/5] clone|fetch|--mirror: cull manifest in partial mirrors
` [PATCH 5/5] fetch: support v2 w/o manifest on old WWW
` [PATCH 6/5] t/v2mirror: check dependencies for legacy test
[PATCH 0/4] doc: lei: some manpage updaets
2021-09-24 12:51 UTC (5+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/4] doc: lei blob+rediff+p2q: add notes about git directory
` [PATCH 2/4] doc: lei-overview: implicit stdin, correct Inline::C notes
` [PATCH 3/4] doc: lei-index: remove --stdin, reword -F
` [PATCH 4/4] doc: lei: manpages for export-kw and refresh-mail-sync
[PATCH] lei_xsearch: use localtime for user message
2021-09-23 10:37 UTC
[PATCH] lei: common --all[=remote|local] help message
2021-09-23 10:36 UTC
[PATCH 0/3] xcpdb-related fixes
2021-09-23 5:53 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/3] test_common: reset umask on non-forking run_script
` [PATCH 2/3] xcpdb: -R$SHARDS creates new shards with correct perms
` [PATCH 3/3] xcpdb: avoid race when shards are added
Holding on to deleted packfiles
2021-09-23 0:46 UTC (7+ messages)
` [PATCH] gcf2 + extsearch: check for unlinked files on Linux
` [PATCH 2/1] daemons: revamp periodic cleanup task
[PATCH 0/7] lei bugfixes and other fixes
2021-09-22 2:24 UTC (8+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/7] ipc: do not add "0" to $0 of solo workers
` [PATCH 2/7] treewide: fix %SIG localization, harder
` [PATCH 3/7] script/lei: describe purpose of sleep loop
` [PATCH 4/7] lei: dclose: do not close unnecessarily
` [PATCH 5/7] inbox: do not waste hash slot on httpbackend_limiter
` [PATCH 6/7] lei up: avoid excessively parallel --all
` [PATCH 7/7] lei: drop redundant WQ EOF callbacks
[PATCH 00/12] lei: fix various annoyances
2021-09-21 9:29 UTC (17+ messages)
` [PATCH 01/12] lei inspect: convert to WQ worker
` [PATCH 02/12] lei inspect: support NNTP URLs
` [PATCH 03/12] lei_mail_sync: account for non-unique cases
` [PATCH 04/12] lei: simplify internal arg2folder usage
` [PATCH 05/12] lei lcat: use single queue for ordering
` [PATCH 06/12] doc: lei-security: section for WIP auth methods
` [PATCH 07/12] lei lcat: support NNTP URLs
` [PATCH 08/12] lei: various completion improvements
` [PATCH 09/12] lei q: show progress on >1s preparation phase
` [PATCH 10/12] search: drop reopen retry message
` [PATCH 11/12] lei q: update messages to reflect --save default
` [PATCH 12/12] lei q: improve --limit behavior and progress
` [PATCH 0/3] lei: a few more annoyances fixed
` [PATCH 1/3] t/lei-up: use '-q' to silence non-redirected test
` [PATCH 2/3] script/lei: handle SIGTSTP and SIGCONT
` [PATCH 3/3] lei: umask(077) before opening errors.log
[PATCH] gcf2: fix loading at runtime
2021-09-20 13:00 UTC
[PATCH] net_reader: NNTP: remove article numbers from mail_sync folders
2021-09-19 22:51 UTC
make menuconfig interface for lei / grok-pull
2021-09-19 21:21 UTC (17+ messages)
` IMAP vs NNTP [was: make menuconfig interface for lei / grok-pull]
` lei import on epochs "
[PATCH 00/16] lei IPC overhaul, NNTP fixes
2021-09-19 20:00 UTC (19+ messages)
` [PATCH 01/16] ipc: wq_do: support synchronous waits and responses
` [PATCH 02/16] ipc: allow disabling broadcast for wq_workers
` [PATCH 03/16] lei/store: use SOCK_SEQPACKET rather than pipe
` [PATCH 04/16] lei: simplify sto_done_request
` [PATCH 05/16] lei_xsearch: drop Data::Dumper use
` [PATCH 06/16] ipc: drop dynamic WQ process counts
` [PATCH 07/16] lei: clamp internal worker processes to 4
` [PATCH 08/16] lei ls-mail-source: use "high"/"low" for NNTP
` [PATCH 09/16] lei ls-mail-source: pretty JSON support
` [PATCH 10/16] net_reader: fix single NNTP article fetch, test ranges
` [PATCH 11/16] xt: add fsck script over over.sqlite3
` [PATCH 12/16] watch: use net_reader->mic_new wrapper for SOCKS+TLS
` [PATCH 13/16] net_reader: no STARTTLS for IMAP localhost or onions
` [PATCH 14/16] lei config --edit: use controlling terminal
` [PATCH 15/16] net_reader: disallow imap.fetchBatchSize=0
` [PATCH 16/16] doc: lei-config: document various knobs
[PATCH] doc: tuning: note git 2.33+, move libgit2 into Inline::C section
2021-09-19 0:36 UTC
[PATCH] t/lei-refresh-mail-sync: improve test reliability
2021-09-18 22:38 UTC
[PATCH] net_reader: quote URL properly for Tor .onion hint
2021-09-18 21:09 UTC
automating "git fetch"? (code and inboxes)
2021-09-18 20:49 UTC
[PATCH] t/config: extra test for imap_url with imaps://
2021-09-18 20:33 UTC
[PATCH 0/9] lei: a bunch of random stuff
2021-09-18 20:30 UTC (13+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/9] lei: lock worker counts
` [PATCH 2/9] lei_mail_sync: rely on flock(2), avoid IPC
` [PATCH 3/9] lei_mail_sync: set nodatacow on btrfs
` [PATCH 4/9] ds: support add unique timers
` [PATCH 5/9] net_reader: tie SocksDebug to {imap,nntp}.Debug
` [PATCH 6/9] net_reader: detect IMAP failures earlier
` [PATCH 7/9] net_reader: support imaps:// w/ socks5h:// proxy
` [PATCH 8/9] net_reader: set SO_KEEPALIVE on all Net::NNTP sockets
` [PATCH 9/9] lei up: automatically use dt: for remote externals
who runs commands from their $EDITOR?
2021-09-18 6:23 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH] doc: add lei-security(7) manpage
2021-09-17 12:38 UTC
[PATCH] script/lei: umask(077) before execve
2021-09-17 12:12 UTC
[PATCH] fetch: ignore non-writable epoch dirs
2021-09-17 11:00 UTC
[PATCH] search: fix rt: w/ approxidate when TZ != UTC
2021-09-17 4:40 UTC
[PATCH] lei: sqlite: do not forcibly enable WAL
2021-09-17 2:16 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v2 0/6] lei refresh-mail-sync: another try
2021-09-17 1:56 UTC (7+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 1/6] lei refresh-mail-sync: replace prune-mail-sync
` [PATCH v2 2/6] lei_mail_sync: don't hold statement handle into callback
` [PATCH v2 3/6] lei refresh-mail-sync: remove "gone" notices
` [PATCH v2 4/6] lei refresh-mail-sync: drop unused {verify} code path
` [PATCH v2 5/6] lei refresh-mail-sync: implicitly remove missing folders
` [PATCH v2 6/6] lei refresh-mail-sync: drop old IMAP folder info
[PATCH] doc: glossary: add a reference for "epoch"
2021-09-16 21:07 UTC
mbox support in other software
2021-09-16 20:30 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH] lei_pmdir: do not attempt to trigger network auth
2021-09-16 20:15 UTC
[PATCH 0/3] lei refresh-mail-sync
2021-09-16 9:46 UTC (5+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/3] lei: git_oid: replace git_blob_id
` [PATCH 2/3] lei refresh-mail-sync: replace prune-mail-sync
` [SQUASH] fix manifest
` [PATCH 3/3] net_reader: load IO::Socket::Socks in all workers
[PATCH] doc: lei-mail-formats: add "eml" and expand on git things
2021-09-16 7:45 UTC
[PATCH 0/3] IMAP and Tor .onion niceities
2021-09-16 2:19 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/3] net_reader: emit .onion help for potential Tor users
` [PATCH 2/3] lei ls-mail-source: sort IMAP folder names
` [PATCH 3/3] imapd: sort LIST response
[PATCH 0/3] www: support publicinbox.imapserver
2021-09-16 0:26 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/3] inbox: streamline ->nntp_url
` [PATCH 2/3] www: support publicinbox.imapserver
` [PATCH 3/3] www_stream: note existence of IMAP and NNTP URLs
[PATCH 0/5] make(1) inspired things
2021-09-15 23:15 UTC (8+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/5] fetch: support --exit-code switch
` [PATCH 2/5] TODO: update some items
` [PATCH 3/5] clone|fetch|--mirror: add convenience $INBOX_DIR/Makefile
` [PATCH 4/5] fetch|clone|--mirror: shorten paths for progress output
` [PATCH 5/5] support -C (chdir) for most non-daemon commands
Wrong folder when using imaps://
2021-09-15 17:57 UTC (10+ messages)
` [PATCH] uri_imap: handle '/' as an IMAP hierarchy separator
` [PATCH] uri_imap: fix ->uidvalidity and ->uid w/ `/' separator
[PATCH] multi_git: hoist out common epoch/alternates handling
2021-09-15 11:26 UTC
RFC: lei-daemon and auto-up
2021-09-14 22:32 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] spawn+gcf2: improve diagnostics for build failures
2021-09-14 8:53 UTC
2021-09-14 2:39 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH 3/5] t/run: TEST_LEI_DAEMON_PERSIST: die if pid changes
` [PATCH 4/5] test_common: remove non-hidden files, first
` [PATCH 5/5] lei up: fix env/cwd mismatches with multiple folders
page: next (older) | prev (newer) | latest
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Code repositories for project(s) associated with this public inbox
This is a public inbox, see mirroring instructions
for how to clone and mirror all data and code used for this inbox;
as well as URLs for read-only IMAP folder(s) and NNTP newsgroup(s).