On Monday, September 30, 2019, 2:44:49 PM EDT, Deb Nicholson wrote: On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 1:25 PM Danny Spitzberg <[1][1]stationaery@gmail.com> wrote: I thought Bradley€s 2018 €state of the copyleft union€ talk at LibrePlanet was a rare and important bit of positive constructive criticism for free/libre software. Sadly, it was met with mixed reactions from the audience- including RMS who apparently saw it as defeatist, because he yelled €We€re not licked yet!!€ and then stormed the stage to give an impromptu rebuttal. I don€t have much context for other contributions from Bradley, but that one talk was a breath of fresh air and levelheadedness. (Bradly, do you know the whereabouts of that talk, the notes, or dare I imagine, the video?) >>>I think the FSF chose not to make that one available. Danny, thank you also for speaking in favor of constructive criticism. No movement can survive an allergy to discussion -- especially the discussion of problems and challenges -- such as all too sadly been happening on this list lately. The assumption that any discussion of tactics, or how the free software movement might respond to changes in society or changes in the industry is necessarily a smear campaign by Microsoft/Facebook/Etc has been extremely tiresome. Best, Deb I found the talk easily on libre planet media. I thought it was a good talk. Bradly called for employees to stop being so afraid of their employers and stand up and ask for the software written during employment to be made copyleft under a free software license (like the gpl v3) Richard Stallman was his usual self, but of course when Bradley mentioned Linux he really just meant Linux the kernel. [2]State of the copyleft union € GNU MediaGoblin State of the copyleft union € GNU MediaGoblin There wouldn't really be any reason to hide that video. People who may not have joined the FSF or gone to Libre Planet could still benefit from it if they care about free software and write software at work. Also, maybe some people thought it was defeatist, or thought that maybe copyleft was not necessarily the best tool to enforce software freedom. I think the points made in this talk put an end more or less to that idea. It was certainly not a lay down and bsd everything talk. References Visible links 1. mailto:stationaery@gmail.com 2. https://media.libreplanet.org/u/libreplanet/m/state-of-the-copyleft-union/ Hidden links: 4. https://media.libreplanet.org/u/libreplanet/m/state-of-the-copyleft-union/