Fellow Workers, I have wanted to attend libreplanet in person for years. Last year was the first time I ever attended via the on-line ways to do so. What would be limitations to moving the dates? I personally have been apprehensive to traveling to New England during the winter, and this issue has become a larger hurdle after getting married. I would love to group libreplanet attedence with a family vacation, but again the whether, not to mention the big city with my southern Oklahoma wife and kids has not been well recieved Yours in liberation, Jim Fulner Promoting Freed Minds, Freed Markets and Free Software and whenever possible Free Beer "For as long as one of your brothers is not free, none of you are free" 586-473-7007 Follow me [1]@fu@libranet.de on [2]#Friendica the world's best poly-centric social media platform, or from anywhere else on the [3]#Fediverse. Aren't you tired of big government backed corporations managing your social interactions? This Free message sent via a Free SMTP server running the Free Operating System GNU/Linux [4]www.fsf.org References 1. https://librandet.de/profile/fu 2. https://friendi.ca/ 3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse 4. https://www.fsf.org/