Earlier in this thread, I sent the message below (last paragraph). I want to state that I have not been following the current issue of Stallman's statements closely, nor have I been following the Epstein case closely. I am just a young woman who got involved in the Free Software movement, because I want to help people attain freedom. Over the past decade I have admired the work of Stallman and the FSF community. So much good has come out of these efforts. I personally, have been able to reach a freedom that I could only dream about as a little girl, because of free software. I do not wish to see us fight over things that would hurt the movement, and I let my personal feelings get the best of me. I am the type of person that believes all social issues are connected and really just one issue. So the fighting, will only hurt us all. Regardless of Stallman's resignation, I still see him at the heart of the movement, but I also believe that the rest of us bear the responsibility of carrying forth the message of freedom in technology for protecting the freedoms of people. Furthermore, it is our responsibility to see into the future and build a greater foundation of principles and software to address more social issues. I hope the community can agree with me on the point that we need greater compassion and positivity continuing forward. Below is the message I originally sent, for transparency of my actions. Sincerely, Lily If it is true that Stallman called these victims as willing. I entirely agree with Marry-Anne. The Free Software movement already lacks female support and these comments will only push more women away. I as a woman who has also suffered harrassment as a child and as an adult, do not want a leader who says things that hurt women. Stallman, you cannot do this. We as members must be strong and have someone else represent us period. FSF should take a stand and provide support for women and actively invite women to a space where we know we are supported, believed in and respected. -------- Original Message -------- On Sep 17, 2019, 11:03 AM, < quiliro@riseup.net> wrote: On Tue, September 17, 2019 12:04 pm, Ole Aamot wrote: > Actually I feel sorry now if what I posted was misinterpreted. By me? No. I am sorry the message that campaigned against Richard by MARY ANNE WOLF made such a bad impression of him on people that have not investigated the issue. > Let's create a good and welcoming Libreplanet 2020 for everyone. d:-) That would be nice. Lets! _______________________________________________ libreplanet-discuss mailing list [1]libreplanet-discuss@libreplanet.org [2]https://lists.libreplanet.org/mailman/listinfo/libreplanet-discus s References 1. mailto:libreplanet-discuss@libreplanet.org 2. https://lists.libreplanet.org/mailman/listinfo/libreplanet-discuss