Caleb Herbert wrote: > On 09/17/2019 09:38 AM, Dmitry Alexandrov wrote: >> Caleb Herbert wrote: >>> I consider the ancient Galaxy S2 decent. >> >> A device without GPS and hardware graphic acceleration (unless you are willing to run nonfree software on CPU)? Or even without Wi-Fi and Bluetooth (unless you are willing to run nonfree firmware)? > > I don't care about GPS or Bluetooth. I hate wireless stuff. ... I would happily use a Wi-Fi dongle over an OTG cable. You’ve dismissed three point, but there is still one left: hardware graphics rendering. Your common sense might suggest that it is the least important issue, but no, quite the opposite: it is considered essential for any *droid-running PC, so many programs just won’t run without it. >> Replicant is not Libreboot, it does not require any flashing. It is installed just like as any other Android-based OS. > > That's a relief, although I don't know what all is involved in rooting and changing the OS on a mobile device. Last time I tried, it was hard for me to do. Not to insult anyone, but that’s growing into tendency: the most extreme software freedom advocates I meet on the Net turns out to be those who actually does need even a thousandth of it. >>> costs five hundred dollars last time I checked. >> >> Wow! That’s for sure a local issue. I’ve just checked, in Moscow you could get a _new_ Galaxy S2 for 85 $ (which I still found unacceptably expensive for a 2011 Android phone, but if someone really needs it new), used — from 25 $. > > Oh, wow! I might have gotten one many years ago if I knew this! Ehm... Is that a sarcasm? You’ve just called to promote ‘nophone’, have not you? :-) Or the wrong paragraph cited? If neither, I have to clarify, that I did _not_ suggest you or anyone to order it from Moscow: shipping from Russia to US would be pricey and slow, benefits of new over used do not worth it. Not to say, that a small store [0] specializing on selling unsold legacy phones might be unwilling to deal with international shipping at all. [0] To anyone lacks it available for a sane price in his locality, I am recommending exactly what I have recommended — to order it from China: >> So if you’d really like to recommend someone to buy Galaxy S2, I suggest you just submit to necessity to recommend him to run some more nonfree software in his browser, and order it somewhere else: at Ali a ‘refurbished’ device with shipping included would be about 40 $ [1]. >> >> [1] > I've been jonesing for a camera. (Remind me again: Which Replicant device is fortunate to have at least the back camera working [without nonfree software and loadable firmware]?) I never checked. I you’d like me to read for you, then it says that i9100, n7000 and n51xx have both cameras working with free firmware, i9300 — back only, while i9250, n7100 have neither. > Thank you for all your help! Not at all.