On Sun, 2017-12-03 at 21:12 -0500, Chad Larson wrote: > Merely using a VCS is not sufficient. Traceability requires identifying > individual persons responsible for determining requirements for the > code, establishing their competence to design and implement the code, and > demonstrating that the code implements the requirements correctly for each > product that uses the code. Industrial regulations require traceability > to determine which individual personally made which implementation > decisions and which individual tested and verified the results. Sounds like they want better documentation. Ask Red Hat. > Traceability is very expensive, in terms of both development cost and > liberty for the developers. If you think of it as a map to know who to > sue when things go badly wrong, you're not entirely wrong. Sounds like they want the benefits of a warranty. Ask Red Hat. Reminder: Department of Defense will use software without a warranty IF and ONLY IF it is free. Is some company more important than the DoD? -- Caleb Herbert OpenPGP public key: http://bluehome.net/csh/pubkey