From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.2 (2018-09-13) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-ASN: AS31976 X-Spam-Status: No, score=-3.2 required=3.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_00, FREEMAIL_FORGED_FROMDOMAIN,FREEMAIL_FROM,HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, MAILING_LIST_MULTI,MALFORMED_FREEMAIL,RCVD_IN_DNSWL_HI shortcircuit=no autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.2 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id EFDE020248 for ; Mon, 11 Mar 2019 16:25:48 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S1727387AbfCKQZr (ORCPT ); Mon, 11 Mar 2019 12:25:47 -0400 Received: from ([]:59337 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1726000AbfCKQZr (ORCPT ); Mon, 11 Mar 2019 12:25:47 -0400 Received: from [] ([]) by (mrgmx001 []) with ESMTPSA (Nemesis) id 0MYwVv-1hY1rR1ZKN-00VjgF; Mon, 11 Mar 2019 17:25:42 +0100 Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2019 17:25:26 +0100 (STD) From: Johannes Schindelin X-X-Sender: To: Junio C Hamano cc: Johannes Schindelin via GitGitGadget , Subject: Re: [PATCH 0/2] stash: handle pathspec magic again In-Reply-To: Message-ID: References: User-Agent: Alpine 2.21.1 (DEB 209 2017-03-23) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII X-Provags-ID: V03:K1:KAShBuVeegx2IbM6UWI1yMoqG3Ci/i4kkVUS+LWWF4vGk1KMchY MUIkkN+BJ/sM2j114HmWyE1/b4ub9mrMzdG2XA767N8sn2C7nh73nn8UXcH7CfFKniIdvi6 CiyoNXTls/rbbxgxSudh1VJtsviPblIgqZw7Od0uW3HVw9WCJRqsm9e0VZXKdMRqbwfp6uF o1HgRxRhK3iH372VxddDQ== X-UI-Out-Filterresults: notjunk:1;V03:K0:ncY2HerZyxA=:GHdoTnS7/RKLZ5bietUeY6 wVJzAtuIS2KXsnMv8yG6sN+AZfytd+FEPD7aqOrI8zC2kDSay12Xct2zNot5OWkgFCN2SZL9Z oQNOjPQwKVk/CpKNcJB0R0onpoY5nvdqm6EIPQn3mELlXTjMlYljAlExR71Xdakiw+hqzyQ+Y 6/Z2YjUBpKuMaZqyaKOmuGUvQ9sqAH+joRzyRJpTjamTaXqHYy1TBwVTKQ10V3R4TCpc19JGu YMlYaK33uFlyHU1TY85AFqbUA6oUPKgqJZKxNam2KXR2Wg14v2n/TL26vSTuhTX3HcHk8KUhF KIPA3eSA7S8iiBRQeAsdYSJ2uDT5NlgX5CNXlezu6ns+KmbxjFAG//hnhtp0fSB/5mnl2Jrj6 qQ8k93Q2xKMimJt60rpPLkkgLpaHtxTP9Nwt5X5a7yZZD5oYh534lCbQOwVvRksCM6FOraZ9f XGY+CMMvmnAnpWek0gBAgqrDKpJUZ+8xzl6d35m45usUgxSJLtRZlkwbqkfACsep/lCBxK+1/ VsHy9ifuynMJ9SKuH4iiUAaSng8UeGbLQ/mMFVSNfxj+Gml8EJCjDyPGC+zho/QBE5VsCFZ9n wi5qEEV7iVjEQ/xQvWRSJ0JH69TLhXwh0N3xS7K8CiCPcGAc6uMolQc+8XwF+FxOsTbnGE26Q qz9AAhggtytN8YLghFTbyhPo44dPACxxAZlDIF0INLQ6x8yqXT8YtDIiYRlZGrjEp3IGkeZpr 6egzbwzaH2E8dT89nChfyf1LgSnqcJ6bFEsWQh3YlTkAqmJMkzKkTYf4kosuupNI8uSQL1pAD e2zm+PbLNXbTxb7or19XD7upTjMTmlvvV6IcQq3QYx8Vk0salbAe6cZ+GkQNGolYjIwCEJfEC 7jRLAMn4v2jIA0+VHJIKiDqIqugdnQvFQSJZSPPMRCu3VjPnrkFMBxKNmqmFX0GDI8xGXwORn epDsYo+F/Hw== Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: Hi Junio, On Sun, 10 Mar 2019, Junio C Hamano wrote: > Johannes Schindelin writes: > > > If you care deeply about the commit history, I hereby offer to you to > > clean up the built-in stash patches when you say you're ready to advance > > them to `master`. > > What's the goal of such a rebase? To appease you enough that you stop complaining about the current, or previous, state of `ps/stash-in-c`. I am genuinely interested in making this all more pleasant for you, even if my efforts to that end show no fruit. > To rebuild the topic as a sensible sequence of commits that logically > builds on top of previous steps to ease later bisection and > understanding? > > Thanks for an offer out of good intentions,, but let's move on and > polish the tree shape at the tip of this topic. I would be prepared to do that, but I am constantly reminded of the unfortunate way we handled `ps/stash-in-c`, where you thought it was way too early to move to `next`, and I am convinced that we simply were way too late to start cooking in `next`. So I keep offering to do work so that you would be happier, but none of my suggestions seem to work. > The history behind it may be messier than other segments of our history, > and future developers may have harder time learning the intention of the > topic when making changes on top, but this one was supposed to create a > bug-to-bug reimplementation of the scripted version. Right. But we moved right past that, and continued enhancing `git stash`, (like the `--quiet` thing) and were now stuck with the unfortunate situation that we had to do it in both built-in and scripted version. > What matters more would be our future changes on top of this code, which > improves what we used to have as scripted Porcelain. They will > genuinely be novel efforts, need to be built in logical order and > explainable steps to help future developers. Compared to that, so the > history of our stumbling along the way to reach today's tip of the topic > has much lower value. > > Besides I think it is way too late for the current topic. We > established before the topic hit 'next' that reviewers' eyes all > lost freshness and patience to review another round of this series > adequately. > > We at least know that the ordering and organization of the iteration > we see in 'next' is crappy, because some reviewers did look at them. > The rewrite will see no reviews, if any, far fewer and shallower > reviews than the iteration we have; nobody would be able to say with > confidence that the rewritten series achieves its goal of leaving a > sensible history. Doing so just before it hits 'master' makes it a > sure thing. Fine. But in that case, I would appreciate not being reminded of the messiness. Not unless you let me do something about it. Don't put me between a rock and a hard place, please. > Let's just we all admit that we did a poor job when we decided to > push this topic to 'next' before it was ready, and learn the lesson > to avoid haste making waste for the future topics. Quite honestly, I am at a loss what you are suggesting here. The original contributor (Paul) got unexpectedly busy with university, so he was not able to take care of any updates. I would have made those updates (I promised, after all), but at some stage it felt more logical to explain in add-on topics what breakages were introduced by the built-in rewrite and fix them: squashing the fixes in would have made it less obvious why certain changes had to be done that way (after all, I missed in the original dozens of reviews, pre-submission and post-submission, e.g. the ORIG_HEAD problems). But you did not complain about me adding on top back then, so I do not understand why you complain about it now... I am more than willing to move on, but if we keep repeating how messy the current state is and do not even come up with a way how we could handle this better in the future, then I do not really feel that we *are* moving on after all. Ciao, Dscho > Thanks. >