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From: Teng Long <>
	Teng Long <>
Subject: [PATCH v6 07/12] t5702: test cases for excluding commits
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2021 19:38:31 +0800	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

Signed-off-by: Teng Long <>
 t/ | 300 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 300 insertions(+)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ccd3678311..6e323253f7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -967,6 +967,306 @@ test_expect_success 'blob-exclusion (using uploadpack.excludeobject): packfile U
 	blobpackfileuri_fetch new
+test_expect_success 'commit-exclusion(excluding_type=ET_SELF): part of packfile response provided as URI' '
+	P="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/http_parent" &&
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$P\" http_child log *found" &&
+	excluding_type="0" &&
+	git init "$P" &&
+	git -C "$P" config "uploadpack.allowsidebandall" "true" &&
+	mkdir "$P"/my-tree  &&
+	echo my-blob >"$P"/my-tree/my-blob &&
+	git -C "$P" add my-tree &&
+	mkdir "$P"/my-tree/sub-tree &&
+	echo sub-blob >"$P"/my-tree/sub-tree/sub-blob &&
+	git -C "$P" add my-tree &&
+	test_commit -C "$P" A &&
+ 	commith=$(git -C "$P" rev-parse A) &&
+ 	roottreeh=$(git -C "$P" rev-parse A:) &&
+	mytreeh=$(git -C "$P" ls-tree HEAD my-tree | sed -ne "s/.*\($OID_REGEX\).*/\1/p") &&
+	subtreeh=$(git -C "$P" ls-tree HEAD my-tree/sub-tree | sed -ne "s/.*\($OID_REGEX\).*/\1/p") &&
+	ah=$(git -C "$P" hash-object A.t) &&
+	myblobh=$(git -C "$P" hash-object my-tree/my-blob) &&
+	subblobh=$(git -C "$P" hash-object my-tree/sub-tree/sub-blob) &&
+	configure_exclusion commit "$P" "$commith" new "$excluding_type" >h &&
+	git -c protocol.version=2 \
+		-c fetch.uriprotocols=http,https \
+		clone "$HTTPD_URL/smart/http_parent" http_child
+test_expect_success 'commit-exclusion(excluding_type=ET_INCLUDE): part of packfile response provided as URI' '
+	P="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/http_parent" &&
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$P\" http_child log *found" &&
+	excluding_type="1" &&
+	git init "$P" &&
+	git -C "$P" config "uploadpack.allowsidebandall" "true" &&
+	mkdir "$P"/my-tree  &&
+	echo my-blob >"$P"/my-tree/my-blob &&
+	git -C "$P" add my-tree &&
+	mkdir "$P"/my-tree/sub-tree &&
+	echo sub-blob >"$P"/my-tree/sub-tree/sub-blob &&
+	git -C "$P" add my-tree &&
+	test_commit -C "$P" A &&
+ 	commith=$(git -C "$P" rev-parse A) &&
+ 	roottreeh=$(git -C "$P" rev-parse A:) &&
+	mytreeh=$(git -C "$P" ls-tree HEAD my-tree | sed -ne "s/.*\($OID_REGEX\).*/\1/p") &&
+	subtreeh=$(git -C "$P" ls-tree HEAD my-tree/sub-tree | sed -ne "s/.*\($OID_REGEX\).*/\1/p") &&
+	ah=$(git -C "$P" hash-object A.t) &&
+	myblobh=$(git -C "$P" hash-object my-tree/my-blob) &&
+	subblobh=$(git -C "$P" hash-object my-tree/sub-tree/sub-blob) &&
+	configure_exclusion commit "$P" "$commith" new "$excluding_type" >h &&
+	git -c protocol.version=2 \
+		-c fetch.uriprotocols=http,https \
+		clone "$HTTPD_URL/smart/http_parent" http_child &&
+	for idx in http_child/.git/objects/pack/*.idx
+	do
+		git verify-pack --object-format=$(test_oid algo) --verbose $idx >out &&
+		{
+			grep "^[0-9a-f]\{16,\} " out || :
+		} >out.objectlist &&
+		if test_line_count = 7 out.objectlist
+		then
+			if grep $commith out
+			then
+				>commithfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $roottreeh out
+			then
+				>roottreehfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $ah out
+			then
+				>ahfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $mytreeh out
+			then
+				>mytreehfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $myblobh out
+			then
+				>myblobhfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $subtreeh out
+			then
+				>subtreehfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $subblobh out
+			then
+				>subblobhfound
+			fi
+		fi
+	done &&
+	test -f mytreehfound &&
+	test -f myblobhfound &&
+	test -f subtreehfound &&
+	test -f subblobhfound &&
+	test -f commithfound &&
+	test -f roottreehfound &&
+	test -f ahfound &&
+	# Ensure that there are exactly 2 packfiles with associated .idx
+	ls http_child/.git/objects/pack/*.pack \
+		http_child/.git/objects/pack/*.idx >filelist &&
+	test_line_count = 4 filelist
+test_expect_success 'commit-exclusion(excluding_type=ET_REACHABLE):  hitten a full packfile response provided as URI' '
+	P="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/http_parent" &&
+ 	test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$P\" http_child log *found" &&
+	excluding_type="2" &&
+	git init "$P" &&
+	git -C "$P" config "uploadpack.allowsidebandall" "true" &&
+	mkdir "$P"/my-tree  &&
+	echo my-blob >"$P"/my-tree/my-blob &&
+	git -C "$P" add my-tree &&
+	test_commit -C "$P" A &&
+ 	commith=$(git -C "$P" rev-parse A) &&
+  	roottreeh=$(git -C "$P" rev-parse A:) &&
+ 	mytreeh=$(git -C "$P" ls-tree HEAD my-tree | sed -ne "s/.*\($OID_REGEX\).*/\1/p") &&
+ 	ah=$(git -C "$P" hash-object A.t) &&
+ 	myblobh=$(git -C "$P" hash-object my-tree/my-blob) &&
+	configure_exclusion commit "$P" "$commith" new "$excluding_type" >h &&
+	git -c protocol.version=2 \
+		-c fetch.uriprotocols=http,https \
+		clone "$HTTPD_URL/smart/http_parent" http_child &&
+	for idx in http_child/.git/objects/pack/*.idx
+	do
+		git verify-pack --object-format=$(test_oid algo) --verbose $idx >out &&
+		{
+			grep "^[0-9a-f]\{16,\} " out || :
+		} >out.objectlist &&
+		if test_line_count = 5 out.objectlist
+		then
+			if grep $commith out
+			then
+				>commithfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $roottreeh out
+			then
+				>roottreehfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $mytreeh out
+			then
+				>mytreehfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $ah out
+			then
+				>ahfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $myblobh out
+			then
+				>myblobhfound
+			fi
+		elif test_line_count = 0 out.objectlist
+		then
+				>emptypackfound
+		fi
+	done &&
+	test -f emptypackfound &&
+	test -f mytreehfound &&
+	test -f myblobhfound &&
+	test -f commithfound &&
+	test -f roottreehfound &&
+	test -f ahfound &&
+	# Ensure that there are exactly 2 packfiles with associated .idx
+	ls http_child/.git/objects/pack/*.pack \
+		http_child/.git/objects/pack/*.idx >filelist &&
+	test_line_count = 4 filelist
+test_expect_success 'commit-exclusion(excluding_type=ET_REACHABLE): part of packfile response provided as URI' '
+	P="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/http_parent" &&
+ 	test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$P\" http_child log *found" &&
+	excluding_type="2" &&
+	git init "$P" &&
+	git -C "$P" config "uploadpack.allowsidebandall" "true" &&
+	mkdir "$P"/my-tree  &&
+	echo my-blob >"$P"/my-tree/my-blob &&
+	git -C "$P" add my-tree &&
+	test_commit -C "$P" A &&
+	mkdir "$P"/other-tree  &&
+	echo other-blob >"$P"/other-tree/other-blob &&
+	git -C "$P" add other-tree &&
+	test_commit -C "$P" B &&
+    ah=$(git -C "$P" hash-object A.t) &&
+    bh=$(git -C "$P" hash-object B.t) &&
+	myblobh=$(git -C "$P" hash-object my-tree/my-blob) &&
+	otherblobh=$(git -C "$P" hash-object other-tree/other-blob) &&
+	rm -rf "$P"/my-tree "$P"/other-tree "$P"/A.t "$P"/B.t &&
+	mkdir "$P"/another-tree  &&
+	echo another-blob >"$P"/another-tree/another-blob &&
+	git -C "$P" add . &&
+	test_commit -C "$P" C &&
+ 	commitAh=$(git -C "$P" rev-parse A) &&
+ 	commitBh=$(git -C "$P" rev-parse B) &&
+ 	commitCh=$(git -C "$P" rev-parse C) &&
+ 	roottreeAh=$(git -C "$P" rev-parse A:) &&
+ 	roottreeBh=$(git -C "$P" rev-parse B:) &&
+ 	roottreeCh=$(git -C "$P" rev-parse C:) &&
+    mytreeh=$(git -C "$P" ls-tree A my-tree | sed -ne "s/.*\($OID_REGEX\).*/\1/p") &&
+    othertreeh=$(git -C "$P" ls-tree B other-tree | sed -ne "s/.*\($OID_REGEX\).*/\1/p") &&
+    anothertreeh=$(git -C "$P" ls-tree C another-tree | sed -ne "s/.*\($OID_REGEX\).*/\1/p") &&
+    ch=$(git -C "$P" hash-object C.t) &&
+	anotherblobh=$(git -C "$P" hash-object another-tree/another-blob) &&
+	configure_exclusion commit "$P" "$commitBh" new "$excluding_type" >h &&
+	git -c protocol.version=2 \
+		-c fetch.uriprotocols=http,https \
+		clone "$HTTPD_URL/smart/http_parent" http_child &&
+	for idx in http_child/.git/objects/pack/*.idx
+	do
+		git verify-pack --object-format=$(test_oid algo) --verbose $idx >out &&
+		{
+			grep "^[0-9a-f]\{16,\} " out || :
+		} >out.objectlist &&
+		if test_line_count = 5 out.objectlist
+		then
+			if grep $commitCh out
+			then
+				>commitChfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $roottreeCh out
+			then
+				>roottreeChfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $anothertreeh out
+			then
+				>anothertreehfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $anotherblobh out
+			then
+				>anotherblobhfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $ch out
+			then
+				>chfound
+			fi
+		elif test_line_count = 10 out.objectlist
+		then
+			if grep $commitAh out
+			then
+				>commitAhfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $commitBh out
+			then
+				>commitBhfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $roottreeAh out
+			then
+				>roottreeAhfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $roottreeBh out
+			then
+				>roottreeBhfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $mytreeh out
+			then
+				>mytreehfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $othertreeh out
+			then
+				>othertreehfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $myblobh out
+			then
+				>myblobhfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $otherblobh out
+			then
+				>otherblobhfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $ah out
+			then
+				>ahfound
+			fi &&
+			if grep $bh out
+			then
+				>bhfound
+			fi
+		fi
+	done &&
+	test -f commitChfound &&
+	test -f roottreeChfound &&
+	test -f anothertreehfound &&
+	test -f anotherblobhfound &&
+	test -f chfound &&
+	test -f commitAhfound &&
+	test -f commitBhfound &&
+	test -f roottreeAhfound &&
+	test -f roottreeBhfound &&
+	test -f mytreehfound &&
+	test -f othertreehfound &&
+	test -f myblobhfound &&
+	test -f otherblobhfound &&
+	test -f ahfound &&
+	test -f bhfound &&
+	# Ensure that there are exactly 2 packfiles with associated .idx
+	ls http_child/.git/objects/pack/*.pack \
+		http_child/.git/objects/pack/*.idx >filelist &&
+	test_line_count = 4 filelist
 test_expect_success 'fetching with valid packfile URI but invalid hash fails' '
 	P="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/http_parent" &&
 	test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$P\" http_child log" &&

  parent reply	other threads:[~2021-10-19 11:40 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 72+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2021-05-07  2:11 [PATCH] Packfile-uris support excluding commit objects Teng Long
2021-05-10 11:14 ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2021-05-18  8:49 ` [PATCH v2 0/3] packfile-uris: commit objects exclusion Teng Long
2021-05-18  8:49   ` [PATCH v2 1/3] packfile-uris: support for excluding commit object Teng Long
2021-05-19  4:28     ` Junio C Hamano
2021-05-20  4:46     ` Junio C Hamano
2021-05-18  8:49   ` [PATCH v2 2/3] packfile-uris.txt: " Teng Long
2021-05-18  8:49   ` [PATCH v2 3/3] t5702: excluding commits with packfile-uris Teng Long
2021-07-26  9:46   ` [PATCH v3 0/3] packfile-uris: commit objects exclusio Teng Long
2021-07-26  9:46     ` [PATCH v3 1/3] packfile-uris: support for excluding commit objects Teng Long
2021-07-26 18:15       ` Junio C Hamano
2021-07-26 19:45         ` Felipe Contreras
2021-08-11  1:44         ` Teng Long
2021-07-26  9:46     ` [PATCH v3 2/3] t5702: " Teng Long
2021-07-26 15:03       ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2021-08-11  1:46         ` [PATCH v3 1/3] packfile-uris: " Teng Long
2021-07-26  9:46     ` [PATCH v3 3/3] packfile-uri.txt: " Teng Long
2021-07-26 20:52       ` Junio C Hamano
2021-08-11  1:47         ` Teng Long
2021-07-26 12:34     ` [PATCH v3 0/3] packfile-uris: commit objects exclusio Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2021-08-11  1:48       ` Teng Long
2021-08-11  7:45     ` [PATCH v4 0/7] packfile-uris: commits and trees exclusion Teng Long
2021-08-11  7:45       ` [PATCH v4 1/7] pack-objects.c: introduce new method `match_packfile_uri_exclusions` Teng Long
2021-08-11  7:45       ` [PATCH v4 2/7] Add new parameter "carry_data" for "show_object" function Teng Long
2021-08-11  7:45       ` [PATCH v4 3/7] packfile-uri: support for excluding commit objects Teng Long
2021-08-11  7:45       ` [PATCH v4 4/7] packfile-uri: support for excluding tree objects Teng Long
2021-08-11  7:45       ` [PATCH v4 5/7] packfile-uri.txt: support for excluding commits and trees Teng Long
2021-08-11  9:59         ` Bagas Sanjaya
2021-08-11  7:45       ` [PATCH v4 6/7] t5702: replace with "test_when_finished" for cleanup Teng Long
2021-08-11  7:45       ` [PATCH v4 7/7] t5702: support for excluding commit objects Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21       ` [PATCH v5 00/14] packfile-uris: commits, trees and tags exclusion Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 01/14] pack-objects.c: introduce new method `match_packfile_uri_exclusions` Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 02/14] Add new parameter "carry_data" for "show_object" function Teng Long
2021-08-26 20:45           ` Junio C Hamano
2021-09-02 11:08             ` Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 03/14] packfile-uri: support for excluding commit objects Teng Long
2021-08-25 23:49           ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2021-09-02 12:26             ` Teng Long
2021-08-26 20:56           ` Junio C Hamano
2021-09-02 12:51             ` Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 04/14] packfile-uri: support for excluding tree objects Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 05/14] packfile-uri.txt: support for excluding commits and trees Teng Long
2021-08-25 23:52           ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2021-09-02 11:23             ` Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 06/14] t5702: replace with "test_when_finished" for cleanup Teng Long
2021-08-25 23:55           ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2021-09-02 11:37             ` Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 07/14] t5702: support for excluding commit objects Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 08/14] Add new parameter "carry_data" for "show_commit function Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 09/14] commit.h: add wrapped tags in commit struct Teng Long
2021-08-25 23:58           ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2021-09-02 12:17             ` Teng Long
2021-09-02 12:39           ` ZheNing Hu
2021-09-02 13:01             ` Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 10/14] object.h: add referred tags in `referred_objects` struct Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 11/14] packfile-uri: support for excluding tag objects Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 12/14] packfile-uri.txt: " Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 13/14] t5702: add tag exclusion test case Teng Long
2021-08-25  2:21         ` [PATCH v5 14/14] pack-objects.c: introduce `want_exclude_object` function Teng Long
2021-10-19 11:38         ` [PATCH v6 00/12] packfile-uri: support excluding multiple object types Teng Long
2021-10-19 11:38           ` [PATCH v6 01/12] objects.c: introduce `exclude_level` enum Teng Long
2021-10-19 11:38           ` [PATCH v6 02/12] Introduce function `match_packfile_uri_exclusions` Teng Long
2021-10-19 11:38           ` [PATCH v6 03/12] Replace `show_data` with structure `show_info` Teng Long
2021-10-19 11:38           ` [PATCH v6 04/12] Introduce `uploadpack.excludeobject` configuration Teng Long
2021-10-19 11:38           ` [PATCH v6 05/12] t5702: test cases for `uploadpack.excludeobject` Teng Long
2021-10-19 11:38           ` [PATCH v6 06/12] packfile-uri: support for excluding commits Teng Long
2021-10-19 11:38           ` Teng Long [this message]
2021-10-19 11:38           ` [PATCH v6 08/12] packfile-uri: support for excluding trees Teng Long
2021-10-19 11:38           ` [PATCH v6 09/12] t5702: test cases " Teng Long
2021-10-19 11:38           ` [PATCH v6 10/12] packfile-uri: support for excluding tags Teng Long
2021-10-19 11:38           ` [PATCH v6 11/12] t5702: test cases " Teng Long
2021-10-19 11:38           ` [PATCH v6 12/12] packfile-uri.txt: support multiple object types Teng Long

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