Hey, On 2022-03-21 at 23:20:25, Hecker, David A wrote: > I started the message below with git bugreport so I think I have all the details. (UPPERCASE to highlight; not shouting. 😊) > > Thanks! > --Dave Hecker > > > ==================================================================================================== > WHAT DID YOU DO BEFORE THE BUG HAPPENED? (STEPS TO REPRODUCE YOUR ISSUE) > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I have an older laptop running Visual Studio 2019 and Git- WITH the "GIT LFS" option checked, which is working as expected: committing a change to a large file and pushing the changes DOES update the remote repository with the change, and other team members who ALREADY HAVE A FULL COPY OF THE OLDER LARGE FILE are able to pull changes and will receive the updated copy of that file. > > Another team member and I got a new laptop and set up Visual Studio 2019 and Git-, and then attempted to clone the repository. The clone succeeds, but checkout fails with this error: > > batch response: Post https://tfs.acsgs.com/tfs/PDSI/HRS2/Learning/_git/KnowledgeConnection.git/info/lfs/objects/batch: > lookup dnsquery: DNS name does not exist. > > GIT/GIT LFS successfully resolved "tfs.acsgs.com" to the IP for the clone, but then it seems like it’s mistakenly attempted a DNS lookup of "" which fails because it's already an IP address, NOT a DNS name. (Doing "nslookup" fails in a similar/expected way: "can't find Non-existent domain".) > > IMPORTANT: I then tried cloning to a new folder on my OLDER (Windows 7) laptop, and GOT THE SAME ERROR. Therefore I SUSPECT this is NOT related to my NEWER (Windows 10) vs. OLDER (Windows 7) laptop, but instead seems to be a GIT/GIT LFS bug…and only when attempting the initial download of an “actual” file. > > Another possibility is our internal TFS server perhaps has changed configuration since the first time we cloned our repository, but it seems unlikely (I can manually download a large file into my local folder, then GIT/GIT LFS will manage it properly…it seems to be only when trying to make the initial download of a full file that fails with this “lookup dnsquery: DNS name does not exist” error). > ==================================================================================================== This looks like a Git LFS issue, and Git LFS is managed independently from this project. Could you please open an issue on the Git LFS issue tracker[0] instead, including all of this information, filling out the issue template, and including the output when using GIT_TRACE=1 GIT_TRANSFER_TRACE=1 GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 (stripping out any authentication headers)? That would allow one of us who work on Git LFS to look at this in more detail. Thanks. [0] https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs -- brian m. carlson (he/him or they/them) Toronto, Ontario, CA