I was trying to compile git for x86_64 FreeBSD 13.2 on x86_64 linux without any success. I was using clang toolchain that worked for native Freebsd 13.2 compilation. The errors i had: First thing was that config.mak.uname was trying to include sysinfo because of host machine being linux which was weird. I ommited this error by replacing linux section with freebsd and everythink was smooth until http.c which generates output attached in email. Why would somethink like this happen when same code was compiled with success on FreeBSD machine but for some reason it can't cross compile. stdio.h come from official FreeBSD 13.2 base. I checked also when was http.c modified but this part is like that for last 5 years. Looks like i might have done somethink wrong with my toolchain but the same toolchain generated working tests (i ran them on FreeBSD machine, worth noting that this tests were using stdio.h) and also built working curl from source.