From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.2 (2018-09-13) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.9 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID,DKIM_VALID_AU,FREEMAIL_FORGED_FROMDOMAIN,FREEMAIL_FROM, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS,MAILING_LIST_MULTI,PI_EMPTY_SUBJ, SPF_HELO_PASS,SPF_PASS shortcircuit=no autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=3.4.2 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 93EA01F66F for ; Thu, 19 Nov 2020 08:21:54 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S1726448AbgKSISw (ORCPT ); Thu, 19 Nov 2020 03:18:52 -0500 Received: from ([]:34838 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1726292AbgKSISv (ORCPT ); Thu, 19 Nov 2020 03:18:51 -0500 Received: from ( [IPv6:2a00:1450:4864:20::12d]) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 6C772C0613CF for ; Thu, 19 Nov 2020 00:18:49 -0800 (PST) Received: by with SMTP id f11so6993368lfs.3 for ; Thu, 19 Nov 2020 00:18:49 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=ZWy3M17sn8yvwi1e6pCz/ns9N2E/eDZTVHn9y41EpUA=; b=YtXc/sJKEKCUwe+3Fxp/2zhGrJdSipS7B9bWJ58IPJhqDv1//T6esJBKAndrrgbRXV /hw8kEB2/mmXHiAJ/oaqbjiKWnL3xKQathQLQB85q31QOqe17S/xrZxsWiIt+ryUZM3/ fFhVUd4bSSjmnUsCrdDruAiml4j3pALa7K5mDwK56pbgzoXlfuDIROIAZfu3d7tAk1rV bFPv/O2zojrRjExYliGS+cwdcog0s3CZOemfW9wNsWoclTFJGnXsEp2gYhPzkkSf7mbR wNczi4vpX8Jb/IKChcGBH4t/juAqma26MpdV+MXBpnfW1oEB2cHJFF2/2kY2aMhy0Qrb M4Rw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=ZWy3M17sn8yvwi1e6pCz/ns9N2E/eDZTVHn9y41EpUA=; b=Ar3E/b7whecrK39oMkzPS8cj0WvraUaEEM55RRf7ifAUCg0CK2DtoBx0xCgBVTPdDi WE7L4uOaEDBbDsm7aLUqvLTVXJ+/BeyMq99ah2VsWNgVGiPlwH4Sso1dVuHrzPnXTB6/ Z9fxXjEDf0ze22onl2POZ0oz3oaXgzh+ZxwZhOuCzhW3Ntw/cPfTtkZiEydVbI0rs6lh 5pg0FnqVQgBHpUkX2+NmkeS0ks/3Jrhr3EFJJTAlYvMU16e4LBR/khPXw70iL5d9MOpB twh5Id9ZE+SwouuqKjHrwB95ucF88fL3uc2NGoUX59VeIyTaoy8WXoWZsUHuwARsUizZ 7Seg== X-Gm-Message-State: AOAM530gCS+nmxzCGjrkBi9ryv7rFVB9xinQkznN5t+D7hytOmbFDI/3 w5sT/TlkrzZFlpQpziEGnlNr+GYhmbmxL4ipcrx+JUkuNoWu7g== X-Google-Smtp-Source: ABdhPJxeU4D6W09b53bf0DjV49KkF8Ib0o+wkKq8hpwDVlT35g+0liVPRvAYtHR4s1dQWvvlKTsO0BlPmWY2ppFWaQ4= X-Received: by 2002:ac2:4834:: with SMTP id 20mr5038632lft.598.1605773927642; Thu, 19 Nov 2020 00:18:47 -0800 (PST) MIME-Version: 1.0 From: =?UTF-8?B?5ZSQ5a6H5aWV?= Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2020 16:18:36 +0800 Message-ID: Subject: To: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: Thank you for filling out a Git bug report! Please answer the following questions to help us understand your issue. What did you do before the bug happened? (Steps to reproduce your issue) 1. linux environment, prepare a large repo to give you enough time to debug 2. clone that repo 3. during clone, send SIGTERM to the git-upload-pack process What did you expect to happen? (Expected behavior) there is no git process left What happened instead? (Actual behavior) there is a git pack-objects process which is forked by the git-upload-pack process, it becomes a zombie What's different between what you expected and what actually happened? there shouldn't exist zombie processes Anything else you want to add: you may need a docker container environment to reproduce this since mostly init process will cleanup zombie processes for you Please review the rest of the bug report below. You can delete any lines you don't wish to share. [System Info] git version: git version 2.26.2 cpu: x86_64