Hi all, [Please CC me in reply, I am not subscribed] I would like to be only using git on my local systems but there are other folks out there who prefer to use different VCS systems. In addition there are VCS-like data storage systems (such as Mediawiki) and general data storage/transfer systems where one might want to track changes using git (such as LDAP and rsync). I still need mostly bi-directional interoperability between git and CVS, Subversion, Mercurial, Breezy/Bazaar, Darcs, Mediawiki and rsync. On the horizon are Fossil and Pijul but I probably won't need those any time soon. Recently I had a situation where GNU Arch support would have been helpful for viewing historical commit information but I assumed that support for it didn't exist so I didn't bother. Is there a location in the git documentation for pointers to software (such as git-remote-* helpers) that can help with VCS interoperability? Is there a place for people interested in VCS interoperability software to collaboratively maintain them? Should the VCS interop software in the git git repo move there? I'm currently using the following tools: CVS: https://github.com/osamuaoki/git-cvs (slightly better than git-cvsimport) Subversion: git-svn (not using a git-remote-* workflow) Mercurial: git-remote-hg (there are lots of forks/implementations) Breezy/Bazaar: git-remote-bzr (there are lots of forks) Darcs: nothing as only fast-export/fast-import seems possible Mediawiki: https://github.com/Git-Mediawiki/Git-Mediawiki rsync: manually rsyncing and importing commits What other tools are folks using? Any other thoughts on this? -- bye, pabs https://bonedaddy.net/pabs3/