I've patched git-cvsserver so that it supports pserver authentication as opposed to only anonymous access. The patch itself works but I haven't updated the relevant documentation or test cases and won't be able to do so until after the weekend so I'm submitting what I have for review on the list. The pserver user/password database is stored in the config file for each repository because I didn't know where else to put it, for example: avar@oe:/tmp/fleh$ cat /tmp/git-test.git/config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = true [gitcvs] enabled = 1 [gitcvs.users] avar = foobar whee = whoo The user can then login/checkout and do other operations with the user/password set in the config file: avar@oe:/tmp/fleh$ cvs -d:pserver:whee:whoo@localhost/tmp/git-test.git login Logging in to :pserver:whee@localhost:2401/tmp/git-test.git avar@oe:/tmp/fleh$ cvs -d:pserver:whee:oops@localhost/tmp/git-test.git login Logging in to :pserver:whee@localhost:2401/tmp/git-test.git The password supplied for user whee was incorrect cvs login: authorization failed: server localhost rejected access to /tmp/git-test.git for user whee $ cvs -d:pserver:whee:whoo@localhost/tmp/git-test.git co master cvs checkout: Updating master U master/.emacs [...]