Dear Junio, Junio C Hamano ( 2019-04-24: > This invocation is not in line with how "git branch" subcommand is > designed to work. This is fair. I completely accept a "you're wielding it wrong" answer! However, your explanation sounds to me like that invocation is exactly in line with how git branch is designed to work! What might I be missing? Junio C Hamano ( 2019-04-24: > If you want to ask "does the tip of $DEV_BRANCH reach commit > 'master'?", the right way would probably be to ask > > if git merge-base --is-ancestor master "$DEV_BRANCH" > then > echo "master is an ancestor of $DEV_BRANCH" > else > echo "master has commits not in $DEV_BRANCH"B > git --no-pager log "master..$DEV_BRANCH" -- > fi This seems like a more convenient command for my current purpose, although it's not a complete replacement for git branch. Thank you! Sincerely yours, Christoffer