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From: "Đoàn Trần Công Danh" <>
Cc: "Johannes Schindelin" <>,
	"Đoàn Trần Công Danh" <>
Subject: [PATCH v5 09/12] ci: retire the Azure Pipelines definition
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2020 00:18:11 +0700	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

From: Johannes Schindelin <>

We have GitHub Actions now. Running the same builds and tests in Azure
Pipelines would be redundant, and a waste of energy.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
Signed-off-by: Đoàn Trần Công Danh <>
---           |   1 -
 azure-pipelines.yml | 558 --------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 559 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 azure-pipelines.yml

diff --git a/ b/
index e2e00ae249..eb8115e6b0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 [![Build status](](
-[![Build Status](](
 Git - fast, scalable, distributed revision control system
diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 11413f66f8..0000000000
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,558 +0,0 @@
-  Agent.Source.Git.ShallowFetchDepth: 1
-- job: windows_build
-  displayName: Windows Build
-  condition: succeeded()
-  pool:
-    vmImage: windows-latest
-  timeoutInMinutes: 240
-  steps:
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
-        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
-      }
-    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-  - powershell: |
-      $urlbase = ""
-      $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=22&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
-      $downloadUrl = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}/$id/artifacts").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[1].resource.downloadUrl
-      (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl,"")
-      Expand-Archive -DestinationPath . -Force
-      Remove-Item
-      # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
-      "/git-sdk-64-minimal/`n/test-cache/`n" | Out-File -NoNewLine -Encoding ascii -Append "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\.git\info\exclude"
-    displayName: 'Download git-sdk-64-minimal'
-  - powershell: |
-      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
-        ci/ artifacts
-      "@
-      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
-    displayName: Build
-    env:
-      HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
-      DEVELOPER: 1
-      NO_PERL: 1
-  - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@0
-    displayName: 'Publish Pipeline Artifact: test artifacts'
-    inputs:
-      artifactName: 'windows-artifacts'
-      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\artifacts'
-  - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@0
-    displayName: 'Publish Pipeline Artifact: git-sdk-64-minimal'
-    inputs:
-      artifactName: 'git-sdk-64-minimal'
-      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\git-sdk-64-minimal'
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
-      }
-    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
-    condition: true
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-- job: windows_test
-  displayName: Windows Test
-  dependsOn: windows_build
-  condition: succeeded()
-  pool:
-    vmImage: windows-latest
-  timeoutInMinutes: 240
-  strategy:
-    parallel: 10
-  steps:
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
-        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
-      }
-    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-  - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@0
-    displayName: 'Download Pipeline Artifact: test artifacts'
-    inputs:
-      artifactName: 'windows-artifacts'
-      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
-  - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@0
-    displayName: 'Download Pipeline Artifact: git-sdk-64-minimal'
-    inputs:
-      artifactName: 'git-sdk-64-minimal'
-      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\git-sdk-64-minimal'
-  - powershell: |
-      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
-        test -f artifacts.tar.gz || {
-          echo No test artifacts found\; skipping >&2
-          exit 0
-        }
-        tar xf artifacts.tar.gz || exit 1
-        # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
-        printf '%s\n' /git-sdk-64-minimal/ /test-cache/ >>.git/info/exclude
-          ci/
-          exit 1
-        }
-      "@
-      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
-    displayName: 'Test (parallel)'
-    env:
-      HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
-      NO_SVN_TESTS: 1
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
-      }
-    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
-    condition: true
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-  - task: PublishTestResults@2
-    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
-    inputs:
-      mergeTestResults: true
-      testRunTitle: 'windows'
-      platform: Windows
-      publishRunAttachments: false
-    condition: succeededOrFailed()
-  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
-    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
-    condition: failed()
-    inputs:
-      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
-      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
-- job: vs_build
-  displayName: Visual Studio Build
-  condition: succeeded()
-  pool:
-    vmImage: windows-latest
-  timeoutInMinutes: 240
-  steps:
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
-        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
-      }
-    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-  - powershell: |
-      $urlbase = ""
-      $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=22&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
-      $downloadUrl = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}/$id/artifacts").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[1].resource.downloadUrl
-      (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl,"")
-      Expand-Archive -DestinationPath . -Force
-      Remove-Item
-      # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
-      "/git-sdk-64-minimal/`n/test-cache/`n" | Out-File -NoNewLine -Encoding ascii -Append "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\.git\info\exclude"
-    displayName: 'Download git-sdk-64-minimal'
-  - powershell: |
-      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
-        make NDEBUG=1 DEVELOPER=1 vcxproj
-      "@
-      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
-    displayName: Generate Visual Studio Solution
-    env:
-      HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
-      DEVELOPER: 1
-      NO_PERL: 1
-  - powershell: |
-      $urlbase = ""
-      $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=9&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
-      $downloadUrl = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}/$id/artifacts").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].resource.downloadUrl
-      (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl, "")
-      Expand-Archive -DestinationPath . -Force
-      Remove-Item
-    displayName: 'Download vcpkg artifacts'
-  - task: MSBuild@1
-    inputs:
-      solution: git.sln
-      platform: x64
-      configuration: Release
-      maximumCpuCount: 4
-      msbuildArguments: /p:PlatformToolset=v142
-  - powershell: |
-      & compat\vcbuild\vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat release
-      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
-      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
-        mkdir -p artifacts &&
-        eval \"`$(make -n artifacts-tar INCLUDE_DLLS_IN_ARTIFACTS=YesPlease ARTIFACTS_DIRECTORY=artifacts | grep ^tar)\"
-      "@
-      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
-    displayName: Bundle artifact tar
-    env:
-      HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
-      DEVELOPER: 1
-      NO_PERL: 1
-      MSVC: 1
-      VCPKG_ROOT: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\compat\vcbuild\vcpkg
-  - powershell: |
-      $tag = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "").content
-      $version = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "").content
-      $url = "${tag}/PortableGit-${version}-64-bit.7z.exe"
-      (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url,"PortableGit.exe")
-      & .\PortableGit.exe -y -oartifacts\PortableGit
-      # Wait until it is unpacked
-      while (-not @(Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue PortableGit.exe; $?)) { sleep 1 }
-    displayName: Download & extract portable Git
-  - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@0
-    displayName: 'Publish Pipeline Artifact: MSVC test artifacts'
-    inputs:
-      artifactName: 'vs-artifacts'
-      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\artifacts'
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
-      }
-    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
-    condition: true
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-- job: vs_test
-  displayName: Visual Studio Test
-  dependsOn: vs_build
-  condition: succeeded()
-  pool:
-    vmImage: windows-latest
-  timeoutInMinutes: 240
-  strategy:
-    parallel: 10
-  steps:
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
-        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
-      }
-    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-  - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@0
-    displayName: 'Download Pipeline Artifact: VS test artifacts'
-    inputs:
-      artifactName: 'vs-artifacts'
-      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
-  - powershell: |
-      & PortableGit\git-cmd.exe --command=usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
-        test -f artifacts.tar.gz || {
-          echo No test artifacts found\; skipping >&2
-          exit 0
-        }
-        tar xf artifacts.tar.gz || exit 1
-        # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
-        printf '%s\n' /PortableGit/ /test-cache/ >>.git/info/exclude
-        cd t &&
-        PATH=\"`$PWD/helper:`$PATH\" &&
-        test-tool.exe run-command testsuite --jobs=10 -V -x --write-junit-xml \
-                `$(test-tool.exe path-utils slice-tests \
-      "@
-      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
-    displayName: 'Test (parallel)'
-    env:
-      HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
-      NO_SVN_TESTS: 1
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
-      }
-    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
-    condition: true
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-  - task: PublishTestResults@2
-    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
-    inputs:
-      mergeTestResults: true
-      testRunTitle: 'vs'
-      platform: Windows
-      publishRunAttachments: false
-    condition: succeededOrFailed()
-  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
-    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
-    condition: failed()
-    inputs:
-      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
-      ArtifactName: failed-vs-test-artifacts
-- job: linux_clang
-  displayName: linux-clang
-  condition: succeeded()
-  pool:
-    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
-  steps:
-  - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-       sudo apt-get update &&
-       sudo apt-get -y install git gcc make libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libexpat-dev tcl tk gettext git-email zlib1g-dev apache2-bin &&
-       export CC=clang || exit 1
-       ci/ || exit 1
-       ci/ || {
-           ci/
-           exit 1
-       }
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-    displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-  - task: PublishTestResults@2
-    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
-    inputs:
-      mergeTestResults: true
-      testRunTitle: 'linux-clang'
-      platform: Linux
-      publishRunAttachments: false
-    condition: succeededOrFailed()
-  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
-    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
-    condition: failed()
-    inputs:
-      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
-      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
-- job: linux_gcc
-  displayName: linux-gcc
-  condition: succeeded()
-  pool:
-    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
-  steps:
-  - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-       sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test &&
-       sudo apt-get update &&
-       sudo apt-get -y install git gcc make libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libexpat-dev tcl tk gettext git-email zlib1g-dev apache2 language-pack-is git-svn gcc-8 || exit 1
-       ci/ || exit 1
-       ci/ || {
-           ci/
-           exit 1
-       }
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-    displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-  - task: PublishTestResults@2
-    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
-    inputs:
-      mergeTestResults: true
-      testRunTitle: 'linux-gcc'
-      platform: Linux
-      publishRunAttachments: false
-    condition: succeededOrFailed()
-  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
-    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
-    condition: failed()
-    inputs:
-      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
-      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
-- job: osx_clang
-  displayName: osx-clang
-  condition: succeeded()
-  pool:
-    vmImage: macOS-latest
-  steps:
-  - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-       export CC=clang
-       ci/ || exit 1
-       ci/ || {
-           ci/
-           exit 1
-       }
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-    displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-  - task: PublishTestResults@2
-    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
-    inputs:
-      mergeTestResults: true
-      testRunTitle: 'osx-clang'
-      platform: macOS
-      publishRunAttachments: false
-    condition: succeededOrFailed()
-  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
-    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
-    condition: failed()
-    inputs:
-      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
-      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
-- job: osx_gcc
-  displayName: osx-gcc
-  condition: succeeded()
-  pool:
-    vmImage: macOS-latest
-  steps:
-  - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-       ci/ || exit 1
-       ci/ || {
-           ci/
-           exit 1
-       }
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-    displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-  - task: PublishTestResults@2
-    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
-    inputs:
-      mergeTestResults: true
-      testRunTitle: 'osx-gcc'
-      platform: macOS
-      publishRunAttachments: false
-    condition: succeededOrFailed()
-  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
-    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
-    condition: failed()
-    inputs:
-      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
-      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
-- job: gettext_poison
-  displayName: GETTEXT_POISON
-  condition: succeeded()
-  pool:
-    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
-  steps:
-  - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-       sudo apt-get update &&
-       sudo apt-get -y install git gcc make libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libexpat-dev tcl tk gettext git-email zlib1g-dev &&
-       export jobname=GETTEXT_POISON || exit 1
-       ci/ || {
-           ci/
-           exit 1
-       }
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-    displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-  - task: PublishTestResults@2
-    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
-    inputs:
-      mergeTestResults: true
-      testRunTitle: 'gettext-poison'
-      platform: Linux
-      publishRunAttachments: false
-    condition: succeededOrFailed()
-  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
-    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
-    condition: failed()
-    inputs:
-      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
-      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
-- job: linux32
-  displayName: Linux32
-  condition: succeeded()
-  pool:
-    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
-  steps:
-  - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-       res=0
-       sudo chmod a+r t/out/TEST-*.xml
-       test ! -d t/failed-test-artifacts || sudo chmod a+r t/failed-test-artifacts
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || res=1
-       exit $res
-    displayName: 'jobname=Linux32 ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-  - task: PublishTestResults@2
-    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
-    inputs:
-      mergeTestResults: true
-      testRunTitle: 'linux32'
-      platform: Linux
-      publishRunAttachments: false
-    condition: succeededOrFailed()
-  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
-    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
-    condition: failed()
-    inputs:
-      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
-      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
-- job: static_analysis
-  displayName: StaticAnalysis
-  condition: succeeded()
-  pool:
-    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
-  steps:
-  - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-       sudo apt-get update &&
-       sudo apt-get install -y coccinelle libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libexpat-dev gettext &&
-       export jobname=StaticAnalysis &&
-       ci/ || exit 1
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-    displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-- job: documentation
-  displayName: Documentation
-  condition: succeeded()
-  pool:
-    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
-  steps:
-  - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-       sudo apt-get update &&
-       sudo apt-get install -y asciidoc xmlto asciidoctor docbook-xsl-ns &&
-       export ALREADY_HAVE_ASCIIDOCTOR=yes. &&
-       export jobname=Documentation &&
-       ci/ || exit 1
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-    displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)

  parent reply	other threads:[~2020-04-10 17:18 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 110+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2020-03-31 12:48 [PATCH 0/5] ci: replace our Azure Pipeline by GitHub Actions Johannes Schindelin via GitGitGadget
2020-03-31 12:48 ` [PATCH 1/5] ci/lib: if CI type is unknown, show the environment variables Johannes Schindelin via GitGitGadget
2020-03-31 12:48 ` [PATCH 2/5] ci/lib: allow running in GitHub Actions Johannes Schindelin via GitGitGadget
2020-04-03  8:46   ` SZEDER Gábor
2020-04-04 20:08     ` Johannes Schindelin
2020-04-05  0:01       ` Danh Doan
2020-04-07 22:41         ` Johannes Schindelin
2020-04-10 15:31       ` SZEDER Gábor
2020-04-10 19:10         ` Junio C Hamano
2020-04-12 21:42           ` Johannes Schindelin
2020-04-12 22:12             ` Junio C Hamano
2020-04-12 22:25               ` Junio C Hamano
2020-03-31 12:48 ` [PATCH 3/5] ci: configure GitHub Actions for CI/PR Johannes Schindelin via GitGitGadget
2020-04-03 22:07   ` SZEDER Gábor
2020-04-04 17:59     ` Johannes Schindelin
2020-04-04 23:55       ` Danh Doan
2020-03-31 12:48 ` [PATCH 4/5] README: add a build badge for the GitHub Actions runs Johannes Schindelin via GitGitGadget
2020-03-31 12:48 ` [PATCH 5/5] ci: retire the Azure Pipelines definition Johannes Schindelin via GitGitGadget
2020-03-31 14:46 ` [PATCH 0/5] ci: replace our Azure Pipeline by GitHub Actions Danh Doan
2020-03-31 18:47   ` Junio C Hamano
2020-04-01 15:55 ` [PATCH v2 0/6] " Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-01 15:55   ` [PATCH v2 1/6] ci/lib: if CI type is unknown, show the environment variables Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-01 15:55   ` [PATCH v2 2/6] ci/lib: allow running in GitHub Actions Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-01 15:55   ` [PATCH v2 3/6] ci/lib: set TERM environment variable if not exist Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-01 15:55   ` [PATCH v2 4/6] ci: configure GitHub Actions for CI/PR Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-01 15:55   ` [PATCH v2 5/6] README: add a build badge for the GitHub Actions runs Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-01 15:55   ` [PATCH v2 6/6] ci: retire the Azure Pipelines definition Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-01 21:23   ` [PATCH v2 0/6] ci: replace our Azure Pipeline by GitHub Actions Junio C Hamano
2020-04-02  0:14     ` Danh Doan
2020-04-02 13:16   ` [PATCH v3 " Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-02 13:16     ` [PATCH v3 1/6] ci/lib: if CI type is unknown, show the environment variables Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-02 13:16     ` [PATCH v3 2/6] ci/lib: allow running in GitHub Actions Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-02 13:16     ` [PATCH v3 3/6] ci/lib: set TERM environment variable if not exist Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-02 13:16     ` [PATCH v3 4/6] ci: configure GitHub Actions for CI/PR Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-02 13:16     ` [PATCH v3 5/6] README: add a build badge for the GitHub Actions runs Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-02 13:17     ` [PATCH v3 6/6] ci: retire the Azure Pipelines definition Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-08  4:05 ` [PATCH v4 00/12] ci: replace our Azure Pipeline by GitHub Actions Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-08  4:05   ` [PATCH v4 01/12] ci/lib: if CI type is unknown, show the environment variables Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-08  4:05   ` [PATCH v4 02/12] ci/lib: allow running in GitHub Actions Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-08  4:05   ` [PATCH v4 03/12] ci/lib: set TERM environment variable if not exist Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-08  4:05   ` [PATCH v4 04/12] ci: fix the `jobname` of the `GETTEXT_POISON` job Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-08  4:05   ` [PATCH v4 05/12] ci: explicit install all required packages Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-10 15:53     ` SZEDER Gábor
2020-04-10 16:07       ` Danh Doan
2020-04-10 16:21         ` Junio C Hamano
2020-04-08  4:05   ` [PATCH v4 06/12] ci: run gem with sudo to install asciidoctor Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-08  4:05   ` [PATCH v4 07/12] ci: configure GitHub Actions for CI/PR Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-08  4:05   ` [PATCH v4 08/12] README: add a build badge for the GitHub Actions runs Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-08  4:05   ` [PATCH v4 09/12] ci: retire the Azure Pipelines definition Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-08  4:05   ` [PATCH v4 10/12] tests: when run in Bash, annotate test failures with file name/line number Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-08  4:05   ` [PATCH v4 11/12] ci: add a problem matcher for GitHub Actions Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-08  4:05   ` [PATCH v4 12/12] ci: let GitHub Actions upload failed tests' directories Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-09 21:19   ` [PATCH v4 00/12] ci: replace our Azure Pipeline by GitHub Actions Junio C Hamano
2020-04-10 14:34     ` Johannes Schindelin
2020-04-10 14:37       ` Johannes Schindelin
2020-04-10 17:35         ` Danh Doan
2020-04-10 15:42       ` Junio C Hamano
2020-04-10 17:41         ` Danh Doan
2020-04-16  0:49           ` Junio C Hamano
2020-04-16  1:28             ` fixing ci failure of 'pu' with the es/bugreport topic Junio C Hamano
2020-04-16  1:55               ` Emily Shaffer
2020-04-16  3:20                 ` Junio C Hamano
2020-04-16  3:45                 ` Elijah Newren
2020-04-16  4:10                   ` Emily Shaffer
2020-04-16  4:57                     ` Junio C Hamano
2020-04-16 11:26                   ` Danh Doan
2020-04-16 12:05                     ` Johannes Schindelin
2020-04-16 12:08             ` [PATCH v4 00/12] ci: replace our Azure Pipeline by GitHub Actions Johannes Schindelin
2020-04-16 15:55               ` Junio C Hamano
2020-04-10 17:18 ` [PATCH v5 " Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-10 17:18   ` [PATCH v5 01/12] ci/lib: if CI type is unknown, show the environment variables Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-10 17:18   ` [PATCH v5 02/12] ci/lib: allow running in GitHub Actions Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-10 17:18   ` [PATCH v5 03/12] ci/lib: set TERM environment variable if not exist Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-10 17:18   ` [PATCH v5 04/12] ci: fix the `jobname` of the `GETTEXT_POISON` job Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-10 17:18   ` [PATCH v5 05/12] ci: explicit install all required packages Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-10 17:18   ` [PATCH v5 06/12] ci: run gem with sudo to install asciidoctor Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-10 17:18   ` [PATCH v5 07/12] ci: configure GitHub Actions for CI/PR Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-10 17:18   ` [PATCH v5 08/12] README: add a build badge for the GitHub Actions runs Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-10 17:18   ` Đoàn Trần Công Danh [this message]
2020-04-10 17:18   ` [PATCH v5 10/12] tests: when run in Bash, annotate test failures with file name/line number Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-05-04 17:46     ` Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón
2020-05-04 23:25       ` Danh Doan
2020-05-05  0:35         ` Junio C Hamano
2020-05-06  7:30           ` Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón
2020-05-06 12:54             ` Johannes Schindelin
2020-05-06 13:46               ` Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón
2020-05-06 14:33                 ` Johannes Schindelin
2020-05-07  6:10                   ` Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón
2020-05-06 16:33                 ` Junio C Hamano
2020-05-05  0:54         ` Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón
2020-05-15 13:16     ` Alban Gruin
2020-05-15 15:00       ` [RFC PATCH] t: move metadata into TAP test description Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón
2020-05-15 15:08         ` Eric Sunshine
2020-05-15 15:38         ` Alban Gruin
2020-05-15 15:45           ` Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón
2020-05-15 16:50             ` Junio C Hamano
2020-05-15 17:14               ` Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón
2020-05-15 17:23                 ` Junio C Hamano
2020-05-15 22:42                   ` Johannes Schindelin
2020-05-15 22:57                     ` Junio C Hamano
2020-05-15 17:21               ` [PATCH 0/2] Unbreak TAP output under bash Junio C Hamano
2020-05-15 17:21                 ` [PATCH 1/2] Revert "t/test_lib: avoid naked bash arrays in file_lineno" Junio C Hamano
2020-05-15 17:21                 ` [PATCH 2/2] Revert "tests: when run in Bash, annotate test failures with file name/line number" Junio C Hamano
2020-05-15 16:38         ` [RFC PATCH] t: move metadata into TAP test description Junio C Hamano
2020-05-15 17:22           ` Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón
2020-05-15 19:04         ` Alban Gruin
2020-05-15 15:28       ` [PATCH v5 10/12] tests: when run in Bash, annotate test failures with file name/line number Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón
2020-05-15 15:33         ` Alban Gruin
2020-04-10 17:18   ` [PATCH v5 11/12] ci: add a problem matcher for GitHub Actions Đoàn Trần Công Danh
2020-04-10 17:18   ` [PATCH v5 12/12] ci: let GitHub Actions upload failed tests' directories Đoàn Trần Công Danh

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