On 15/05/15 02:22 PM, Junio C Hamano wrote: > Also, is it worth allocating small and then growing up to the maximum? > I think this only relays one request at a time anyway, and I suspect > that a single 1MB allocation at the first call kept getting reused > may be sufficient (and much simpler). Does it make sense to make that configurable via an env variable at all? I suspect the vast majority of people would not hit this bug unless they are dealing with repositories polluted with hundreds of refs created by automation (like the codeaurora chromium repo). E.g. can be set via an Apache directive like SetEnv FOO_MAX_SIZE 2048 The backend can then be configured to emit an error message when the spool size is exhausted saying "foo exhausted, increase FOO_MAX_SIZE to allow for moar foo." -K