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From: (Joshua T. Corbin)
Subject: semi-useful git perl file
Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 01:33:49 -0400	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)

[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 607 bytes --]

I've been playing around with driving git from perl land. The attached
allows you to easily access git objects from perl as:

	tie %git, 'GIT::ObjectDB';
	print Dumper( $git{ $commit_id } );

Looks like:
	type    => 'commit',
	sha     => $commit_id,
	tree    => '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
	parents => [ ... ],
	mess    => "\nbla bla bla\n"

And corresponding for trees, tags, and blobs.

If you want to see use of this in action, you can pull my (incomplete)
translation of cogito into perl from:




[-- Attachment #2: --]
[-- Type: text/x-perl, Size: 9467 bytes --]

package GIT;
use strict;
our %cmd;

sub cmdpath {
	my $cmd = shift;
	unless ( defined $cmd{$cmd} ) {
		local $/ = "\n";
		chomp( $cmd{$cmd} = `which $cmd` );
		return undef if $cmd{$cmd} eq '';
	return $cmd{$cmd};

sub cmd {
	my $cmd = shift;
	cmdpath( $cmd ) || die "command '$cmd' not found\n";
	my $r = system( $cmd{$cmd}, @_ );
	die "$cmd failed: " . cmderrmsg( $cmd ) . "\n"
		if $r != 0;
	return 1;

sub cmdinout {
	my $infh = shift;
	my $cmd = shift;
	cmdpath( $cmd ) || die "command '$cmd' not found\n";
	my ( $r, $w );
	pipe( $r, $w ) || die "Failed to pipe: $!";
	my $pid = fork();
	die "Failed to fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
	if ( $pid ) {
		close $w;
		my $kid = waitpid( $pid, 0 );
		die "Hmm, auto reaping in place?" if $kid == -1;
		die "$cmd failed: " . cmderrmsg( $cmd ) . "\n"
			if $? & 127 || $? >> 8 != 0;
		local $/;
		local $_ = <$r>;
		close $r;
		if ( wantarray ) {
			return split( "\n", $_ );
		} else {
			return $_;
	} else {
		close $r;
		close STDOUT;
		close STDIN;
		open STDIN, '<&', $infh || die "Failed to rediret STDIN";
		open STDOUT, '>&', $w || die "Failed to redirect STDOUT";
		exec( $cmd{$cmd}, @_ );

sub cmdout {
	my $callback = shift if ref $_[0] eq 'CODE';
	my $cmd = shift;
	cmdpath( $cmd ) || die "command '$cmd' not found\n";
	my ( $r, $w );
	pipe( $r, $w ) || die "Failed to pipe: $!";
	my $pid = fork();
	die "Failed to fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
	if ( $pid ) {
		close $w;
		if ( defined $callback ) {
			local $_;
			while ( <$r> ) {
				if ( &$callback() ) {
					kill 15, $pid;
			close $r;
			waitpid( $pid, 0 );
			return 1;
		} else {
			my $kid = waitpid( $pid, 0 );
			die "Hmm, auto reaping in place?" if $kid == -1;
			die "$cmd failed: " . cmderrmsg( $cmd ) . "\n"
				if $? & 127 || $? >> 8 != 0;
			if ( wantarray ) {
				my @r = <$r>;
				close $r;
				chomp @r;
				return @r;
			} else {
				local $/;
				my $r = <$r>;
				close $r;
				return $r;
	} else {
		close $r;
		close STDOUT;
		open STDOUT, '>&', $w || die "Failed to redirect STDOUT";
		exec( $cmd{$cmd}, @_ );

sub cmderrmsg {
	my $cmd = shift;
	my $e;
	if ( $? == -1 ) {
		$e = "failed to execute $cmd{$cmd}: $!";
	} elsif ( $? & 127 ) {
		$e = sprintf( 'child died from signal %d', ( $? & 127 ) );
		$e .= ' (with coredump)' if $? & 128;
	} else {
		$e = sprintf( 'child exit value: %d', $? >> 8 );
	return $e;

package GIT::ObjectDB;
use strict;
# Cache this many commit/tree/tag objects, blobs are not cached because they are (possibly) huge.
our $CacheMax = 20;
our $MissingFatal;
use Carp qw( croak );

	my ( $class, $dir ) = @_;
	$dir ||= $ENV{SHA1_FILE_DIRECTORY} || '.git/objects';
		if $dir ne '.git/objects';

	( -d $dir ) || croak "No such directory $dir";
	bless my $self = {
		dir    => $dir,
		types  => {},
		cache  => {}, # What we're caching
		cachea => []  # The order we cached it in so
	} => $class;
	return $self;

sub FETCH {
	my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
	croak "Invalid sha1 key '$key'" unless $key =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9]{40}$/;
	return $self->{ cache }->{ $key }
		if defined $self->{ cache }->{ $key };
	my $type = $self->objectType( $key );
	unless ( defined $type ) {
		die "no such object $key" if $MissingFatal;
		return undef;

	if ( $type eq 'blob' ) {
		return new GIT::ObjectDB::Blob( $key );
	} else {
		if ( $type eq 'tree' ) {
			$self->{ cache }->{ $key } =
				GIT::ObjectDB::Tree->new_fromkey( $key );
		} elsif ( $type eq 'commit' ) {
			$self->{ cache }->{ $key } =
				GIT::ObjectDB::Commit->new_fromkey( $key );
		} elsif ( $type eq 'tag' ) {
			$self->{ cache }->{ $key } =
				GIT::ObjectDB::Tag->new_fromkey( $key );
		} else {
			croak "Unrecognized object($key) type '$type'";
		push @{ $self->{ cachea } }, $key;
		while ( scalar @{ $self->{ cachea } } > $CacheMax ) {
			my $k = shift @{ $self->{ cachea } };
			delete $self->{ cache }->{ $k };
		return $self->{ cache }->{ $key };

sub STORE {
	my ( $self, $key, $value ) = @_;
	croak "Will not overwrite an object"
		if defined $self->objectType( $key );
	if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $value, 'GIT::ObjectDB::Commit' ) ) {
		my $mess = $value->{ mess };
		$mess =~ /^\s*$/s && croak "Won't commit an empty message";
		my $fh;
		open $fh, '<', \$mess;
		chomp( $value->{ sha } = GIT::cmdinout( $fh,
			'git-commit-tree', $value->{ tree },
			map { ( '-p', $_ ) } @{ $value->{ parents } }
		) );
		close $fh;
	} elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $value, 'GIT::ObjectDB::Tag' ) ) {
		my $type = $self->objectType( $value->{ object } ) ||
			croak "No such object $value->{object}";
		croak "Tagging a tag?" if $type eq 'tag';
		my $tag =
			"object $value->{object}\n" .
			"type $type\n" .
			"tag $value-{tag}\n" .
			$value->{ sig };
		my $fh;
		open $fh, '<', \$tag;
		chomp( $value->{ sha } = GIT::cmdinout( $fh, 'git-mktag' ) );
		close $fh;
	} else {
		croak "Only support storing commits and tags";
	push @{ $self->{ cachea } },
		$self->{ cache }->{ $value->{ sha } } = $value;
	while ( scalar @{ $self->{ cachea } } > $CacheMax ) {
		my $k = shift @{ $self->{ cachea } };
		delete $self->{ cache }->{ $k };

sub EXISTS {
	my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
	return defined( $self->objectType( $key ) ) ? 1 : 0;

	my ( $self ) = @_;
	if ( defined $self->{ dh } ) {
		closedir $self->{ dh };
		delete $self->{ dh };
	$self->{ i } = -1;
	return $self->NEXTKEY;

	my ( $self ) = @_;
	my $r;
	until ( defined $r ) {
		if ( defined $self->{ dh } ) {
			$r = readdir $self->{ dh };
			unless ( defined $r ) {
				closedir $self->{ dh };
				delete $self->{ dh };
			$r = undef if $r !~ /^[A-Za-z0-9]{38}$/;
			$r = sprintf( '%02x%s', $self->{ i }, $r ) if defined $r;
		} else {
			$self->{ i }++;
			last if $self->{ i } > 0xff;
			my $dh;
			my $dir = sprintf( '%s/%02x', $self->{ dir }, $self->{ i } );
			opendir $dh, $dir ||
				die "Failed to opendir $dir: $!";
			$self->{ dh } = $dh;
	return $r;

sub SCALAR {
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{ dir };

sub UNTIE {
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	closedir $self->{ dh } if defined $self->{ dh };

sub objectType {
	my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
	eval {
			( $self->{ types }->{ $key } ) =
				GIT::cmdout( 'git-cat-file', '-t', $key )
		) unless defined $self->{ types }->{ $key };
	return undef if $@;
	return $self->{ types }->{ $key };

package GIT::ObjectDB::Blob;
use strict;

sub new {
	my ( $class, $key ) = @_;
	bless {
		type => 'blob',
		sha => $key
	} => $class;

sub contents {
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	return GIT::cmdout( 'git-cat-file', 'blob', $self->{ sha } );

sub write_to_filehandle {
	my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
	GIT::cmdout( sub {
		print $fh $_;
		return 0;
	}, 'git-cat-file', 'blob', $self->{ sha } );
	return 1;

package GIT::ObjectDB::Commit;
use strict;
use Carp qw( croak );

sub new {
	my $class   = shift;
	my $mess    = shift          || croak "Missing message";
	my $tree    = shift          || croak "Missing tree";
	$tree =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9]{40}$/ || croak "Invalid tree id";
	my @parents = @_             or croak "Missing parent(s)";
	for my $parent ( @parents ) {
		$parent =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9]{40}$/ || croak "Invalid parent id '$parent'";

	return bless {
		type    => 'commit',
		parents => \@parents,
		tree    => $tree,
		mess    => $mess
	} => $class;

sub new_fromkey {
	my ( $class, $key ) = @_;
	bless my $self = {
		type    => 'commit',
		sha     => $key,
		parents => [],
		mess    => ''
	} => $class;

	local $/ = "\n";
	my $no_more_parents;
	GIT::cmdout( sub {
		if ( ! defined $self->{ tree } && /^tree ([A-Za-z0-9]{40})$/ ) {
			$self->{ tree } = $1;
		} elsif ( ! $no_more_parents && /^parent ([A-Za-z0-9]{40})$/ ) {
			push @{ $self->{ parents } }, $1;
		} else {
			$no_more_parents = 1;
			if ( ! defined $self->{ author } && /^author (.+) (\d+ [-+]\d{4})$/ ) {
				$self->{ author } = [ $1, $2 ];
			} elsif ( ! defined $self->{ committer } && /^committer (.+) (\d+ [-+]\d{4})$/ ) {
				$self->{ committer } = [ $1, $2 ];
			} else {
				$self->{ mess } .= "$_\n";
		return 0;
	}, 'git-cat-file', 'commit', $key );

	return $self;

package GIT::ObjectDB::Tree;
use strict;

sub new_fromkey {
	my ( $class, $key ) = @_;

	bless my $self = {
		type => 'tree',
		sha  => $key,
		ent  => []
	} => $class;

	my $raw = GIT::cmdout( 'git-cat-file', 'tree', $key );

	my @raw = unpack( '(Z*H40)*', $raw ); 
	$raw = undef;
	while ( @raw ) {
		push @{ $self->{ ent } },
			[ split( ' ', shift @raw, 2 ), shift @raw ];

	return $self;

package GIT::ObjectDB::Tag;
use strict;
use Carp qw( croak );

sub new {
	my $class  = shift;
	my $object = shift             || croak "Missing object";
	$object =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9]{40}$/ || croak "Invalid object id";
	my $tag    = shift             || croak "Missing tag";
	my $sig    = shift             || croak "Missing signature";

	return bless {
		type   => 'tag',
		object => $object,
		tag    => $tag,
		sig    => $sig
	} => $class;

sub new_fromkey {
	my ( $class, $key ) = @_;
	bless my $self = {
		type => 'tag',
		sha  => $key,
		sig  => ''
	} => $class;
	local $/ = "\n";
	GIT::cmdout( sub {
		if ( /^object ([A-Za-z0-9]{40})$/ ) {
			$self->{ object } = $1;
		} elsif ( /^type (.+)$/ ) {
			$self->{ object_type } = $1;
		} elsif ( /^tag (.+)$/ ) {
			$self->{ tag } = $1;
		} else {
			$self->{ sig } .= $_;
		return 0;
	}, 'git-cat-file', 'tag', $key );

	return $self;

                 reply	other threads:[~2005-05-02  5:28 UTC|newest]

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