Karl, I see that I messed up in June, and committed a make-stds.texi change to a vendor branch in Savannah's CVS repository for gnustandards, as opposed to doing it in the main branch. (My knowledge of CVS is no longer what it was, and I wish Savannah would switch to Git, but I digress...). This was the patch to remove egrep and fgrep from the list of portable tools, discussed here: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-standards/2022-06/msg00002.html Because of my mistake, since then when I ran Gnulib autoupdate I installed the vendor-branch version, whereas when you ran autoupdate you installed the main version. We've had dueling updates. I just now fixed the glitch by installing the make-stds.texi change into gnustandards here: https://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/gnustandards/gnustandards/make-stds.texi?r1=1.69&r2=1.70 and propagating this into Gnulib as follows (also attached): https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/gnulib.git/commit/?id=dda9eee96e18bdbfac023bdd1598e57a88f532ad Sorry about the confusion.