public-inbox.git  about / heads / tags
an "archives first" approach to mailing lists
tree 8ea7f954063d6b0a37c2c268c8e0952fc5ccca4d
$ git ls-tree -l v1.0.0:t	# shows similar output on the CLI

	size	name
 	1246	address.t
 	1621	altid.t
 	6866	cgi.t
 	3850	check-www-inbox.perl
 	307	common.perl
 	3585	config.t
 	1459	config_limiter.t
 	1798	emergency.t
d	-	fail-bin/
 	4141	feed.t
 	1878	filter_base.t
 	960	filter_mirror.t
 	1663	filter_rubylang.t
 	846	filter_subjecttag.t
 	1198	filter_vger.t
 	715	git-http-backend.psgi
 	3950	git-http-backend.t
 	3784	git.t
 	1319	html_index.t
 	2029	httpd-corner.psgi
 	15072	httpd-corner.t
 	3464	httpd-unix.t
 	3381	httpd.t
 	1060	hval.t
 	2359	import.t
 	584	inbox.t
 	971	init.t
 	2442	linkify.t
d	-	main-bin/
 	7965	mda.t
 	346	mid.t
 	3642	mime.t
 	1262	msg_iter.t
 	2165	msgmap.t
 	3900	nntp.t
 	7382	nntpd.t
 	5902	plack.t
 	2261	precheck.t
 	3559	psgi_attach.t
 	2227	psgi_mount.t
 	2104	psgi_search.t
 	1157	psgi_text.t
 	1502	qspawn.t
 	2227	reply.t
 	1469	search-thr-index.t
 	12140	search.t
 	1466	spamcheck_spamc.t
 	2695	spawn.t
 	1251	thread-all.t
 	2660	thread-cycle.t
 	410	utf8.mbox
 	3927	view.t
 	4463	watch_maildir.t
Tree objects belong to commits or other tree objects.  Trees may
reference blobs, sub-trees, or (rarely) commits of submodules.

Path names are stored in tree objects, but trees do not know
their own path name.  A tree's path name comes from their parent tree,
or it is the root tree referenced by a commit object.  Thus, this web UI
relies on the `b=' URI parameter as a hint to display the path name.
git clone
git clone http://7fh6tueqddpjyxjmgtdiueylzoqt6pt7hec3pukyptlmohoowvhde4yd.onion/public-inbox.git