# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # represents a header value in various forms. Used for HTML generation # in our web interface(s) package PublicInbox::Hval; use strict; use warnings; use Encode qw(find_encoding); use PublicInbox::MID qw/mid_clean mid_escape/; use base qw/Exporter/; our @EXPORT_OK = qw/ascii_html obfuscate_addrs to_filename/; # User-generated content (UGC) may have excessively long lines # and screw up rendering on some browsers, so we use pre-wrap. # # We also force everything to the same scaled font-size because GUI # browsers (tested both Firefox and surf (webkit)) uses a larger font # for the Search
element than the rest of the page. Font size # uniformity is important to people who rely on gigantic fonts. # Finally, we use monospace to ensure the Search field and button # has the same size and spacing as everything else which is #
-formatted anyways.
use constant STYLE =>

my $enc_ascii = find_encoding('us-ascii');

sub new {
	my ($class, $raw, $href) = @_;

	# we never care about trailing whitespace
	$raw =~ s/\s*\z//;
	bless {
		raw => $raw,
		href => defined $href ? $href : $raw,
	}, $class;

sub new_msgid {
	my ($class, $msgid) = @_;
	$class->new($msgid, mid_escape($msgid));

sub new_oneline {
	my ($class, $raw) = @_;
	$raw = '' unless defined $raw;
	$raw =~ tr/\t\n / /s; # squeeze spaces
	$raw =~ tr/\r//d; # kill CR

my %xhtml_map = (
	'"' => '"',
	'&' => '&',
	"'" => ''',
	'<' => '<',
	'>' => '>',

$xhtml_map{chr($_)} = sprintf('\\x%02x', $_) for (0..31);
# some of these overrides are standard C escapes so they're
# easy-to-understand when rendered.
$xhtml_map{"\x00"} = '\\0'; # NUL
$xhtml_map{"\x07"} = '\\a'; # bell
$xhtml_map{"\x08"} = '\\b'; # backspace
$xhtml_map{"\x09"} = "\t"; # obvious to show as-is
$xhtml_map{"\x0a"} = "\n"; # obvious to show as-is
$xhtml_map{"\x0b"} = '\\v'; # vertical tab
$xhtml_map{"\x0c"} = '\\f'; # form feed
$xhtml_map{"\x0d"} = '\\r'; # carriage ret (not preceding \n)
$xhtml_map{"\x1b"} = '^['; # ASCII escape (mutt seems to escape this way)
$xhtml_map{"\x7f"} = '\\x7f'; # DEL

sub ascii_html {
	my ($s) = @_;
	$s =~ s/\r\n/\n/sg; # fixup bad line endings
	$s =~ s/([<>&'"\x7f\x00-\x1f])/$xhtml_map{$1}/sge;
	$enc_ascii->encode($s, Encode::HTMLCREF);

sub as_html { ascii_html($_[0]->{raw}) }

sub raw {
	if (defined $_[1]) {
		$_[0]->{raw} = $_[1];
	} else {

sub prurl {
	my ($env, $u) = @_;
	index($u, '//') == 0 ? "$env->{'psgi.url_scheme'}:$u" : $u;

# for misguided people who believe in this stuff, give them a
# substitution for '.'
# ․ · and ͺ were also candidates:
#   https://public-inbox.org/meta/20170615015250.GA6484@starla/
# However, • was chosen to make copy+paste errors more obvious
sub obfuscate_addrs ($$;$) {
	my $ibx = $_[0];
	my $repl = $_[2] || '•';
	my $re = $ibx->{-no_obfuscate_re}; # regex of domains
	my $addrs = $ibx->{-no_obfuscate}; # { adddress => 1 }
	$_[1] =~ s/(([\w\.\+=\-]+)\@([\w\-]+\.[\w\.\-]+))/
		my ($addr, $user, $domain) = ($1, $2, $3);
		if ($addrs->{$addr} || ((defined $re && $domain =~ $re))) {
		} else {
			$domain =~ s!([^\.]+)\.!$1$repl!;
			$user . '@' . $domain

# like format_sanitized_subject in git.git pretty.c with '%f' format string
sub to_filename ($) {
	my ($s, undef) = split(/\n/, $_[0]);
	$s =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_\.]+/-/g;
	$s =~ tr/././s;
	$s =~ s/[\.\-]+\z//;
	$s =~ s/\A[\.\-]+//;
