# Copyright (C) 2019 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # common stuff for administrative command-line tools # Unstable internal API package PublicInbox::Admin; use strict; use warnings; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(resolve_repo_dir); sub resolve_repo_dir { my ($cd, $ver) = @_; my $prefix = defined $cd ? $cd : './'; if (-d $prefix && -f "$prefix/inbox.lock") { # v2 $$ver = 2 if $ver; return abs_path($prefix); } my @cmd = qw(git rev-parse --git-dir); my $cmd = join(' ', @cmd); my $pid = open my $fh, '-|'; defined $pid or die "forking $cmd failed: $!\n"; if ($pid == 0) { if (defined $cd) { chdir $cd or die "chdir $cd failed: $!\n"; } exec @cmd; die "Failed to exec $cmd: $!\n"; } else { my $dir = eval { local $/; <$fh>; }; close $fh or die "error in $cmd: $!\n"; chomp $dir; $$ver = 1 if $ver; return abs_path($cd) if ($dir eq '.' && defined $cd); abs_path($dir); } } sub resolve_inboxes { my ($argv, $warn_on_unconfigured) = @_; require PublicInbox::Config; require PublicInbox::Inbox; my @ibxs = map { resolve_repo_dir($_) } @$argv; push(@ibxs, resolve_repo_dir()) unless @ibxs; my %dir2ibx; if (my $config = eval { PublicInbox::Config->new }) { $config->each_inbox(sub { my ($ibx) = @_; $dir2ibx{abs_path($ibx->{mainrepo})} = $ibx; }); } elsif ($warn_on_unconfigured) { # do we really care about this? It's annoying... warn $warn_on_unconfigured, "\n"; } for my $i (0..$#ibxs) { my $dir = $ibxs[$i]; $ibxs[$i] = $dir2ibx{$dir} ||= do { my $name = "unconfigured-$i"; PublicInbox::Inbox->new({ name => $name, address => [ "$name\@example.com" ], mainrepo => $dir, # TODO: consumers may want to warn on this: #-unconfigured => 1, }); }; } @ibxs; } # TODO: make Devel::Peek optional, only used for daemon my @base_mod = qw(Email::MIME Date::Parse Devel::Peek); my @over_mod = qw(DBD::SQLite DBI); my %mod_groups = ( -index => [ @base_mod, @over_mod ], -base => \@base_mod, -search => [ @base_mod, @over_mod, 'Search::Xapian' ], ); sub scan_ibx_modules ($$) { my ($mods, $ibx) = @_; if (!$ibx->{indexlevel} || $ibx->{indexlevel} ne 'basic') { $mods->{'Search::Xapian'} = 1; } else { $mods->{$_} = 1 foreach @over_mod; } } sub check_require { my (@mods) = @_; my $err = {}; while (my $mod = shift @mods) { if (my $groups = $mod_groups{$mod}) { push @mods, @$groups; } else { eval "require $mod"; $err->{$mod} = $@ if $@; } } scalar keys %$err ? $err : undef; } sub missing_mod_msg { my ($err) = @_; my @mods = map { "`$_'" } sort keys %$err; my $last = pop @mods; @mods ? (join(', ', @mods)."' and $last") : $last } sub require_or_die { my $err = check_require(@_) or return; die missing_mod_msg($err)." required for $0\n"; } sub indexlevel_ok_or_die ($) { my ($indexlevel) = @_; my $req; if ($indexlevel eq 'basic') { $req = '-index'; } elsif ($indexlevel =~ /\A(?:medium|full)\z/) { $req = '-search'; } else { die <<""; invalid indexlevel=$indexlevel (must be `basic', `medium', or `full') } my $err = check_require($req) or return; die missing_mod_msg($err) ." required for indexlevel=$indexlevel\n"; } sub index_inbox { my ($ibx, $opt) = @_; my $jobs = delete $opt->{jobs} if $opt; if (ref($ibx) && ($ibx->{version} || 1) == 2) { eval { require PublicInbox::V2Writable }; die "v2 requirements not met: $@\n" if $@; my $v2w = eval { $ibx->importer(0) } || eval { PublicInbox::V2Writable->new($ibx, {nproc=>$jobs}); }; if (defined $jobs) { if ($jobs == 0) { $v2w->{parallel} = 0; } else { my $n = $v2w->{partitions}; if ($jobs != ($n + 1)) { warn "Unable to respect --jobs=$jobs, inbox was created with $n partitions\n"; } } } my $warn_cb = $SIG{__WARN__} || sub { print STDERR @_ }; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn_cb->($v2w->{current_info}, ': ', @_); }; $v2w->index_sync($opt); } else { require PublicInbox::SearchIdx; my $s = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($ibx, 1); $s->index_sync($opt); } } 1;