hacking public-inbox -------------------- Send all patches and "git request-pull"-formatted emails to our self-hosting inbox at meta@public-inbox.org It is archived at: https://public-inbox.org/meta/ and http://hjrcffqmbrq6wope.onion/meta/ (using Tor) Contributions are email-driven, just like contributing to git itself or the Linux kernel; however anonymous and pseudonymous contributions will always be welcome. Please consider our goals in mind: Decentralization, Accessibility, Compatibility, Performance These goals apply to everyone: users viewing over the web or NNTP, sysadmins running public-inbox, and other hackers working public-inbox. We will reject any feature which advocates or contributes to any particular instance of a public-inbox becoming a single point of failure. Things we've considered but rejected include: * exposing article serial numbers outside of NNTP * allowing readers to inject metadata (e.g. votes) We care about being accessible to folks with vision problems and/or lack the computing resources to view so-called "modern" websites. This includes folks on slow connections and ancient browsers which may be too difficult to upgrade due to resource demands. Only depend on Free Software packages which exist in the "main" section of Debian "stable" distribution. That is Debian 9.x ("stretch") as of this writing, but "oldstable" (8.x, "jessie") remains supported for v1 repositories. In general, we favor mature and well-tested old things rather than the shiny new. Avoid relying on compiled modules too much. Even if it is Free, compiled code makes packages more expensive to audit, build, distribute and verify. public-inbox itself will only be implemented in scripting languages (currently Perl 5) and optional JIT-compiled C (via Inline::C) Performance should be reasonably good for server administrators, too, and we will sacrifice features to achieve predictable performance. Encouraging folks to self-host will be easier with lower hardware requirements. See design_www.txt and design_notes.txt in the Documentation/ directory for design decisions made during development.