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path: root/t/run.perl
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1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/run.perl b/t/run.perl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9f987a6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/run.perl
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Copyright (C) 2019 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# Parallel test runner which preloads code and reuses worker processes
+# to give a nice speedup over prove(1).  It also generates per-test
+# .log files (similar to automake tests).
+# *.t files run by this should not rely on global state.
+# Usage: $PERL -I lib -w t/run.perl -j4
+# Or via prove(1): prove -lvw t/run.perl :: -j4
+use strict;
+use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
+use Cwd qw(getcwd);
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case auto_abbrev);
+use Errno qw(EINTR);
+my $jobs = 1;
+my $repeat = 1;
+$| = 1;
+our $log_suffix = '.log';
+my ($shuffle, %pids, @err);
+GetOptions('j|jobs=i' => \$jobs,
+        'repeat=i' => \$repeat,
+        'log=s' => \$log_suffix,
+        's|shuffle' => \$shuffle,
+) or die "Usage: $0 [-j JOBS] [--log=SUFFIX] [--repeat RUNS]";
+if (($ENV{TEST_RUN_MODE} // 1) == 0) {
+        die "$0 is not compatible with TEST_RUN_MODE=0\n";
+my @tests = scalar(@ARGV) ? @ARGV : glob('t/*.t');
+my $cwd = getcwd();
+open OLDOUT, '>&STDOUT' or die "dup STDOUT: $!";
+open OLDERR, '>&STDERR' or die "dup STDERR: $!";
+key2sub($_) for @tests; # precache
+if ($shuffle) {
+        require List::Util;
+} elsif (open(my $prove_state, '<', '.prove') && eval { require YAML::XS }) {
+        # reuse "prove --state=save" data to start slowest tests, first
+        my $state = YAML::XS::Load(do { local $/; <$prove_state> });
+        my $t = $state->{tests};
+        @tests = sort {
+                ($t->{$b}->{elapsed} // 0) <=> ($t->{$a}->{elapsed} // 0)
+        } @tests;
+our $tb = Test::More->builder;
+sub DIE (;$) {
+        print OLDERR @_;
+        exit(1);
+our ($worker, $worker_test);
+sub test_status () {
+        $? = 255 if $? == 0 && !$tb->is_passing;
+        my $status = $? ? 'not ok' : 'ok';
+        print OLDOUT "$status $worker_test\n" if $log_suffix ne '';
+# Test::Builder or Test2::Hub may call exit() from plan(skip_all => ...)
+END { test_status() if (defined($worker_test) && $worker == $$) }
+sub run_test ($) {
+        my ($test) = @_;
+        my $log_fh;
+        if ($log_suffix ne '') {
+                my $log = $test;
+                $log =~ s/\.[^\.]+\z/$log_suffix/ or DIE "can't log for $test";
+                open $log_fh, '>', $log or DIE "open $log: $!";
+                $log_fh->autoflush(1);
+                $tb->output($log_fh);
+                $tb->failure_output($log_fh);
+                $tb->todo_output($log_fh);
+                open STDOUT, '>&', $log_fh or DIE "1>$log: $!";
+                open STDERR, '>&', $log_fh or DIE "2>$log: $!";
+        }
+        $worker_test = $test;
+        run_script([$test]);
+        test_status();
+        $worker_test = undef;
+        push @err, "$test ($?)" if $?;
+sub UINT_SIZE () { 4 }
+# worker processes will SIGUSR1 the producer process when it
+# sees EOF on the pipe.  On FreeBSD 11.2 and Perl 5.30.0,
+# sys/ioctl.ph gives the wrong value for FIONREAD().
+my $producer = $$;
+my $eof; # we stop respawning if true
+my $start_worker = sub {
+        my ($i, $j, $rd, $todo) = @_;
+        defined(my $pid = fork) or DIE "fork: $!";
+        if ($pid == 0) {
+                $worker = $$;
+                while (1) {
+                        my $r = sysread($rd, my $buf, UINT_SIZE);
+                        if (!defined($r)) {
+                                next if $! == EINTR;
+                                DIE "sysread: $!";
+                        }
+                        last if $r == 0;
+                        DIE "short read $r" if $r != UINT_SIZE;
+                        my $t = unpack('I', $buf);
+                        run_test($todo->[$t]);
+                        $tb->reset;
+                        chdir($cwd) or DIE "chdir: $!";
+                }
+                kill 'USR1', $producer if !$eof; # sets $eof in $producer
+                DIE join('', map { "E: $_\n" } @err) if @err;
+                exit(0);
+        } else {
+                $pids{$pid} = $j;
+        }
+# negative $repeat means loop forever:
+for (my $i = $repeat; $i != 0; $i--) {
+        my @todo = $shuffle ? List::Util::shuffle(@tests) : @tests;
+        # single-producer, multi-consumer queue relying on POSIX semantics
+        pipe(my ($rd, $wr)) or DIE "pipe: $!";
+        # fill the queue before forking so children can start earlier
+        my $n = (_POSIX_PIPE_BUF / UINT_SIZE);
+        if ($n >= $#todo) {
+                print $wr join('', map { pack('I', $_) } (0..$#todo)) or DIE;
+                close $wr or die;
+                $wr = undef;
+        } else { # write what we can...
+                $wr->autoflush(1);
+                print $wr join('', map { pack('I', $_) } (0..$n)) or DIE;
+                $n += 1; # and send more ($n..$#todo), later
+        }
+        $eof = undef;
+        local $SIG{USR1} = sub { $eof = 1 };
+        my $sigchld = sub {
+                my ($sig) = @_;
+                my $flags = $sig ? WNOHANG : 0;
+                while (1) {
+                        my $pid = waitpid(-1, $flags) or return;
+                        return if $pid < 0;
+                        my $j = delete $pids{$pid};
+                        if (!defined($j)) {
+                                push @err, "reaped unknown $pid ($?)";
+                                next;
+                        }
+                        push @err, "job[$j] ($?)" if $?;
+                        # skip_all can exit(0), respawn if needed:
+                        if (!$eof) {
+                                print OLDERR "# respawning job[$j]\n";
+                                $start_worker->($i, $j, $rd, \@todo);
+                        }
+                }
+        };
+        # start the workers to consume the queue
+        for (my $j = 0; $j < $jobs; $j++) {
+                $start_worker->($i, $j, $rd, \@todo);
+        }
+        if ($wr) {
+                local $SIG{CHLD} = $sigchld;
+                # too many tests to fit in the pipe before starting workers,
+                # send the rest now the workers are running
+                print $wr join('', map { pack('I', $_) } ($n..$#todo)) or DIE;
+                close $wr or die;
+        }
+        $sigchld->(0) while scalar(keys(%pids));
+        DIE join('', map { "E: $_\n" } @err) if @err;
+print OLDOUT "1..".($repeat * scalar(@tests))."\n" if $repeat >= 0;